The deadline to register for the following sessions is Friday, February 19. Register at:

QPR (Question, Probe, Refer) Training: February 29, 1:30pm–3:30pm @ Brock Hall Presentation Centre

QPR training is for students, staff and faculty, to help them recognize suicide warning signs, approach someone who may be at risk, persuade the person to seek appropriate health services, and connect the person to resources that will help resolve crises. Training takes place in a group setting and usually takes two hours. While training will help you question, persuade, and refer, you’re not expected to become an expert.


ASIST Training: March 7 & 8, 9:00am–5:00pm @ The Nest

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is for everyone 16 or older—regardless of prior experience—who wants to be able to provide suicide first aid. Shown by major studies to significantly reduce suicidality, the ASIST model teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community. 

ASIST is a two-day suicide intervention workshop which would be ideal for people at UBC who would like to be better equipped to have those conversations about suicide. Find out more.

Responding with Respect: March 11, 9:30am–12:00pm @ Michael Smith Laboratories

This is a 3 hour workshop for staff and faculty about how to recognise symptoms of anxiety and depression in the workplace, respond in a caring and empathetic way and what resources we can refer colleagues to.