Brian Who:
Brian Fukushima
Senate & Curriculum Services
Position: Academic Governance Assistant and Faculty Secretary
Since: August, 2016

Professional Background: After earning Art History and Publishing degrees from UVic and Langara College respectively, Brian has spent much of his professional career working as a graphic designer and print production artist. Now focusing his creative energy on personal passions, he pursues exciting new professional challenges and opportunities at UBC.

Brian's artwork

Personal: Originally hailing from Merritt, BC, Brian has spent the last 10 years as a Vancouverite (with a brief stint in Toronto.) His life’s passions lie in visual art and music and the supernatural mystique of the Pacific Northwest remains a never-ending source of artistic inspiration and wonder. When he’s not holed up drawing or writing music you can find Brian wandering all around the city, sketchbook in hand, in search of beauty, secrets, a great cocktail and the perfect cup of coffee.