Mod 1 – Blog Post #2 Student Engagement Lit Review Summary

Module 1- Blog #2  Parsons/Taylor

This article was a literature review about the current research on student engagement. It did not mention anything about Indigenous or FNMI students in the summary. As a result, I will look through all of the references to see if there are any examples that relate to this course and if not, that’s my next step- looking for specific research on student engagement FNMI youth.

Summary and Notes of the Parsons and Taylor article on Improving Student Engagement.

The article opens by emphasizing that there does not seem to be a clear consensus in any of the research on student engagement really means. There were examples that encouraged technology, there was emphasis on the differences between youth today and their parents and some examples of researchers who found evidence that society was coddling and “dumbing down” a generation.

The Common Elements within the research focused on:

1) Interaction

The development of relationships with people. Interaction with people and in the virtual world.

Connections, communication, dialogue, discussions, collaboration.

No social engagement category, included in interaction. Social engagement includes interaction.

2) Exploration

Classroom practices are predominantly inquiry based, problem-based and exploratory

Students want to figure out things for themselves

Want more hands-on, Do-it -yourself (think of youtube how-to videos as example)

Learning happens in action (not passive)

3) Relevancy

Application to real life, authentic application and not theoretical and text based

Communities issues

Working towards solving a problem

Making learning contextual

4) Multimedia & Technology

“Technology brings learners accessible and relevant subject matter and experts and is a tool for engaged learning” (Parsons and Taylor, 2010, p. 14)

Access and opportunity to integrate tools/ideas/media  into their own learning

5) Engaging and Challenging Instruction

Need to change “how” we teach and “what” we teach

Moving from didactic to constructive pedagogy (Teaching “to” learners as opposed to Everyone learning together)

Constructivism: Click HERE

Creating “safe” environments

6) Authentic Assessment

1) Creating thoughtful,intentional designs for learning

2) making learning meaningful

3) building relationships

4)improving teacher practice in the presence of peer teachers

5) using assessment to improve learning and guide teaching

Co-creation of assessment will increase student engagement – because they are part of the process.

Assessment for Learning: (10 Guiding Principles)

AFL should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning

AFL should focus on how student’s learn

AFL should be recognized as central to classroom practice

AFL should be regarded as key professional skill for teachers

AFL should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an emotional impact

AFL should take into account the importance of (and foster) learner motivation

AFL should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared understanding of the criteria from which they are assessed

AFL develops learner capacity for self assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing

AFL should recognize a full range of achievements for all learners

Learners should receive constructive feedback on how to improve

(Barrett, 2005, p.17)

Overall – I think that this article can give me a great framework of what to consider in my learning design for my online course delivery and possible final project.

Barrett, H. (2005)

Taylor, L and Parsons, J. ( 2011)


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