Digital Literacy – Mod 4, Post 4

In my limited work with FNMI youth, I have found a strength that I believe needs to be promoted – and that is their digital literacy.

However, we as educators often question our own digital literacy. As educators, we could use this rubric created by George Couros in which to evaluate our digital literacy and technology integration

Alternatively we could use the ISTE Nets Standards 

However, the recent Mozilla’s Competency Based Web Literacy Standard could also be examined.


When thinking about “indigenous knowledge” where does the digital literacy piece fit in? I’m thinking that it is just as important as provincial learning outcomes and cross- cultural standards.

Based on the Ginsberg reading and Tim Michael video this week – it is apparent that there are pros and cons to integrating digital opportunities. If we examine some of the models on this page – could digital literacy be as important? What competencies or framework would be focused upon and why?

Verena 🙂

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