Impact of Residential Schools – Weblog 4 – 5

The Impact of Residential Schools

The article was found through a search, but comes from the Native Social Work Journal, volume 7.  Ideally, what the article outlines is the idea that residential schools not only impacted those who went to the schools, but generation after generation following those survivors.  It discusses the sordid history of colonialism.

It is interesting to note, the author, Cheryl Partridge discusses the traditional learning styles of Aboriginal peoples using the medicine wheel.  She then discusses the history of residential schools following the Davin Report of 1879.  The idea that churches must run schools.

What I really found interesting was the description of self view from residential schools.  Children were being taught that their way of life, their parents, everything about them was wrong and dirty.  They were told their rituals would condemn them to hell.

She explains further that the punishment put upon these students impacted not only who they were, but the kinds of parents they would make.  Think about that for a second, we know the damage done to victims of abuse, yet are surprised at the long reaching impact of residential schools.  It is an interesting dichotomy between the impact of the schools and the subsequent impact by future generations.

I will probably use this article in my project to highlight that the ramifications of residential schools was not only on the survivors, but impacts generations and communities as well.


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