Cognitive Media

The Cognitive Media website is an elaborate advertisement for their services. It does not share the technology behind it but it is basically a group of artists performing visual representations of other people’s ideas. Elaborate visual notetaking is a method that may work for those students who do not like copious written assignments or are auditory/visual learners. One could show this website to a student and offer an alternative assignment to an essay on a topic. I had a first nations adult student how would jump at the chance to do this type of an assignment. It could also be video recorded just like the Cognitive Media artists an edited so that his work could be shared electronically on his band’s website; which routinely showcases the accomplishments of their students (like a local band’s paperless newsletter)

I admit that following the technology behind the visual that accompanied Sir Robinson’s lecture in a previous blog only resulted in an idea for an adaptation for one student’s learning but it ended up being something I could use for my research on technology integration for adult first nations students.

November 20, 2010   No Comments

Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)

I revisited Marian Thatcher’s blogspot which is focused on adult eduaction and technology, and it had a new post that talked about an animation by Sir Ken Robinson about Concept Animation. It reminded me of way back when teacher’s used to have to draw their visuals on the chalkboard. I remembered that I always loved the drawing the most rather than copying the words from the board for notes. The blog had imbedded a youtube video showing Sir Robinson in action. I could use the link as a discussion starter for students stumped or frustrated with the limits placed on how a student usually tries to show their knowledge. We could brianstorm other methods of showing their course learning than the usual written essay.

(the above link is the direct link to the animation produced)

November 20, 2010   No Comments

NIH tech research and adult centers

 This NIH webpage supported a previous observation I made about a gender gap between those teachers who were willing to use computers and those who were against utilizing any new technology in their classrooms. This site revealed results of a psychological study done. Some of the results were that older people were less likely to utilize computers to access the email or information on the world wide web due to computer anxiety, fluid intelligence, and crystallized intelligence. These were important predictors of the use of technology.  Some training strategies to promote technology adoption were also discussed.

November 20, 2010   No Comments

Factors Influencing the Effective Use of Technology for Teachings and Learning

 This webpage is actually a part of the ERIC database (Education Resources Information Center). The site is one of the few you can actually access a full text pdf of an article without paying or being a member (with hidden costs). The article, Factors Influencing the Effective Use of Technology for Teaching and Learning: Lessons Learned from the SEIR-TEC Intensive Site Schools. 2nd Edition, is valuable to any research focused on the uses of technology in the classroom; not just for adult education centers. I found it interesting that the article mentioned that one of the factors that influence the use of technology in the classroom also depends on the ability of the teacher to use the teachnology as well. The article focused on the years 1995 to 2000, a whole 10 to 15 years before I read it but it is still true today. I have recently encountered teachers not open-minded to the use of technology because they don’t know how to use it either. I have also noticed a generation gap between the teachers who are incorporating technology and those set against it.

November 20, 2010   No Comments