Conceptual Learning
Looking at the new common core standards, it’s apparent that there will be a significantly increased focus on conceptual learning. While our curricula in the States have traditionally been wide and shallow, covering many topics poorly, we are moving towards much deeper, conceptual explorations of a smaller number of topics.
Source: ZDnet
Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
David William Price 6:37 pm on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I’m hoping that “conceptual learning” focuses on what Foshay might describe as concepts, principles and procedures. In “Writing training materials that work” he describes a cognitive model of teaching heuristics to create expert problem-solvers who make procedures on demand rather than learning them by rote. I have a summary I wrote if anyone wants it.
Jay 8:07 am on September 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I would like to read a copy of the summary if you could send me a link or a copy by email.
David William Price 8:24 am on September 8, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
A great vid from Harvard prof Eric Mazur about how physics students knew the laws but couldn’t apply them to everyday scenarios and how there was no difference between award-winning teachers and poorly-rated teachers on this important metric. The key is students need to understand and apply the concepts in the real world.