Hello, fellow METsters. Michelle Workman (Chen)here from Vancouver. I am the music director at Sutherland Secondary School in North Vancouver as well as teaching English. I’m also one of the Coordinators for the Kiwanis Jazz Festival. I love working with students and creating music. Nothing like jazz band at 7:30 AM!
I use a blog for my English class for homework, a website for my music program, and twitter for my PLN. I also get a chance to work in the district with other teachers and staff. The pic to the left was me setting up 20 iPads. Fun! As much as I call myself a tech enthusiast, I can admit I am a techie geek. My iPhone has apps for music as well as games (and texting.) I really don’t have a lot of experience in this type of course although this is my 7th MET course. I will be honest in saying I’m a little apprehensive!
Just a couple of pics of what it’s like in the life of a music teacher. Yes, that is the requisite sleeping band teacher on a music trip. Sigh. Believe it or not, a chaperone took that shot 🙂
Looking forward to working with everyone.
twtter: themusicwoman
Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
kstooshnov 10:01 pm on September 6, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Very cool photos, Michelle, and it must be nice being back in the 7:30 jazz band, only now you are behind the conductor’s podium! Great to hear about your involvement with the Kiwanis Festival as well as the iPads. I just met one of the Seycove teachers who is also up on the latest gadgets, and it got me thinking that I could make a habit of going to different schools around North Van with an iPad tutorial.
It would be great to hear from you, the Sutherland techie, about how easy it was to implement the latest on-line resources. Are iPads taking over the SMARTboards, or are there ways to integrate the two technologies? Many questions to follow, and I am sure you are already asleep, getting ready for the first early morning rehearsal. All the best, and hope to hear from you soon.
Angela Novoa 3:52 am on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Michelle, nice photos! thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to share learning experiences with you and share our love for music (although I can see that you are much more expert in this field than me)
Jim 2:05 pm on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Michelle!
Nice to meet you! Sounds like you are crazy busy, too! I love the picture of you with your iPads. I *finally* got an iPad2 on Father’s Day this year and I love it… I’ve been eying them since the first iPad came out… Have you tried GarageBand for the iPad? If not, it is worth far more than the tiny amount it costs from the apps store. A word of warning though… it is addictive and WILL waste time that you should be working on you MET courses 🙂
I think this course is going to be very interesting because it is so different from the others we have taken… not saying it will be easier or better, but different is good and I think the entrepreneurial slant will be very cool…
Love the photo on the bus… Been there…
themusicwoman 9:09 am on September 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey, Jim
I still have my first gen iPad and it really has become my daughter’s playtoy right now as I don’t have time to explore as much as I want. And yes, I know GarageBand is amazing on it . . . almost better than on the laptop!
As for this course being different, yes! I’m actually excited about it but darned scared, too. I’m not an entrepeneur at all! And I love not being on Vista . . . oops, inside voice.
Looking forward to working with you.
khenry 5:12 am on September 17, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey Michelle,
I think it is so cool theat your handle has the same initials as your name. I don’t now if you want your name in posts so I will refer to you as MW. If you want me to use your name then let me know.
Really enjoyed the pics. Thanks for sharing.
I like your diverse use of technology. What’s PLN?