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  • themusicwoman 1:59 am on November 27, 2011
    0 votes

    Feeling a little out of my league here but enjoying everyone else’s! ClickView Venture Pitch Elevator Pitch: Once upon a time, before the internet, people used to watch videos on things called videocassettes. These videocassettes gradually fell to the wayside to make room for the DVD. As we have progressed, many people now […]

    Continue reading Finally . . . Posted in: Week 13: Venture Forum
    • Kristopher 12:24 pm on November 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      This sounds like a really innovative way to solve problems faced by many educators (availability of resources, bandwidth). I found that after the pitch was finished, I had many questions as to how exactly the project worked– which I guess is the intention of the pitch, to engage and stir interest. Having said that, perhaps there is a way to include some more concrete examples of how to incorporate this tool into the classroom.

      Thanks for the pitch!


    • Julie S 2:32 pm on November 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle,

      I like some of the features of this software such as the ability to provide a complete view of lesson information related to the video. Like Kristopher I had lots of questions about how it worked but I thought I would start with getting a little bit more clarity about the venture itself. This looks like a product that is already in existance so from an EVA perspective I’m curious about what you are looking for. e.g. are you involved in this company and are looking to market the product in Canada or something along those lines?

    • ashleyross 4:29 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I enjoyed your elevator pitch, the use of narration and text worked well together and the timing of your text is very clear and easy to read. Clickview sounds like an interesting product and if it does solve the problem of bandwidth and networking while allowing educators the ability to access material from any computer, I think schools would be excited to invest in this product. After watching your elevator pitch I was left wondering how the product works. Specifically, how do you access the material without streaming through a bandwidth or networked system? Regardless, it seems like a really interesting product and your elevator pitch left me wanting to know more.

    • Doug Smith 2:11 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle,
      It is an interesting product, and is one that our school is looking into for future use. There are a lot of questions surrounding the issue of VHS tapes and DVDs. It sounds like the VSB is thinking that DVDs may not be available in the near future. But I’m not very clear from the pitch as to what your venture is. I already know a bit about the product so I’m wondering where a new investor would fit in with its development or marketing?


    • Angela Novoa 5:35 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle,

      You have presented an interesting and innovative product. It addresses the needs of a number of educators and students. As a teacher of Social Studies, I think I would be interested in trying it. As it has been mentioned before in this discussion forum, I would like to know more about how does ClickView works. As Julie, I am curious too about your relationship with the company as it is a venture that seems to already exist.



    • David William Price 10:49 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Elevator pitch assessment

      Michelle Workman (themusicwoman) – Clickview

      First Impression: no face, very little voice, mostly music and slides,

      CEO Credibility: The CEO does not appear at all – very little voice, no image or appearance. I have nothing to judge CEO credibility on. I might take a negative inference based on the fact the CEO is unwilling to appear and be heard.

      Management Team: No team is mentioned, so I have no way to judge. I might take a negative inference based on the fact the CEO is unwilling to talk about the team.

      Venture Concept: Apparently some way of allowing watching digital video in a school without using AV equipment (but it doesn’t say how the video is consumed, presumably on computers? Wouldn’t there still be a computer and projector? Does everyone have to use a computer to see it?). It doesn’t use streaming but doesn’t explain why that is important or how it does work. Apparently there are over 1000 of existing titles but we don’t know what they are or who they are targeted at. Apparently video can be added or edited but it doesn’t say who can add or edit or how or why. Apparently video can be saved to a USB key but it doesn’t say who would do this or why.

      Opportunity Space: No description of the intended market beyond “schools”. No description of the market share or pricing.

      Market Readiness: Appears to already exist as a product but o indication of switching costs for schools to switch to the new concept, and no indication of existing sales or market penetration or pilots.

      Competitive Edge: Apparently they have a patent but it’s not clear what their non-streaming technology is or why it is desirable. No indication of where patents are held (Australia only?).

      Exit Strategy: No indication of their target market, its size, or how they will capture it. No indication of what money they want or how I will be repaid.
      Overall Investment Status: I don’t see the CEO or the team, I don’t know who the targeted market is. I don’t know the intended pricing. I don’t know how this will be marketed. I consider this high risk and would not pursue.

      • themusicwoman 7:19 pm on December 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Dear David,

        Thank you for the very clear and concise assessment! I totally appreciate it 🙂 Now, if only there was a way to re do it . . .

    • Jay 2:36 pm on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle,

      I think you have proposed an interesting idea for Canadian schools and one that appears to see investment in other regions. I understand the idea of a video database that includes lesson plans and worksheets. What I am unclear on is how this is better than AV equipment. This will still require access to a computer even if there is no projector. How do students view the videos? from one central computer used by the teacher? In a lab setting where all students are at there own system? I am unclear where this provides benefits.

      It appears that your are advocating that Canadian schools invest in an existing venture. Do you have any relation to the venture? I think one very strong feature of Clickview is the willingness to give a trial at schools. This would answer any questions schools might have and would allow an investor to see first-hand how and if the product fit their needs; A strong component.

  • themusicwoman 2:51 pm on November 8, 2011
    0 votes

    Have to echo the thoughts of those before me in that I really enjoy the product based assessment that has occurred in our MET courses versus cramming for a test that regurgitates info. It has also made me think about how I evaluate my students. I have to admit that there are a few more […]

    Continue reading Product Assessment Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • Kristopher 6:02 am on November 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      We found as we were working through planning the week that PBA is in action all around us. The MET is packed with PBA (look at this assignment as an obvious example) and the non-RRR (reading, writing, ‘rithmetic) subjects always seem to focus on some type of product. A big part of PBA for me is taking the lessons learned from outside of those RRRs, and applying those assessment techniques in the RRR subjects.

      What do you think?

    • themusicwoman 12:54 pm on November 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Dear Kristopher,
      I agree that PBA definitely surrounds us in MET. And I’m certainly not complaining 🙂 As for applying those assessment techniques into the RRR subjects, it would be great. I have found that as I change my assignments into project/product based ones, the kids are actually more engaged and they do seem to learn more. Or maybe it’s the fact that they think it’s more fun to do a project than write a quiz! I actually think they are doing more work even though they may not realize it! I do find that it takes more time and preparation to get a really good project going but it’s worth it.
      Thanks for the response!

    • kstooshnov 10:03 pm on November 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle,

      Hope that concert #1 was a success, and break a leg with #2 tomorrow. It is really interesting to hear your thoughts on assessment for both English and music, and more subject should have opportunities to show what the students know like a concert. I agree that the MET program has provided us with more than a fair share of end-products that we should feel comfortable bringing into our classrooms as inspiration for students to do the same. But we must also be aware that students should be prepared to take quizzes at some future stage of their education, so we should be hesitant to do away with them entirely.


  • themusicwoman 12:28 pm on November 2, 2011
    0 votes

    Considering the high adoption of iPads by many students, it doesn’t surprise me that some may consider the iPad as an extremely useful tool in the classroom whether it be for a teacher or student. As for word processing features, I think the iPad is a great tool for this. It does take some getting […]

    Continue reading Discussion #3: iPad lacking ‘information production’? Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Jay 6:05 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your thoughts. You raise a key point in the end of your post in that the iPad and the abundance of apps are opening new (and possibly more efficient) ways for people to organize thoughts and still allowing for the use of what are quickly becoming traditional methods such as word processor. I think it will be important that cirriculums also change should these technologies be embraced and schools create spaces for students to organize and create work in different ways otherwise these new methods of information production and organization while efficient and opening creative space for students will be incompatible with a cirriculum that remains focused on word processor created work.

    • Everton Walker 2:41 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Great points. It will only be a time before curriculum are rewritten to accommodate new technologies. The future of the classroom will be based on new technologies and it is only wise that schools and curriculum planners get the message earlier and start the transition. I have noticed that technology infusion is now more evident in a few of my course outlines and that is a good sign.


  • themusicwoman 12:16 pm on November 2, 2011
    0 votes

    Ok. I will admit it. I was one of the first iPad owners and waited eagerly for the updates as my friends made the journey home from Seattle. In a Starbucks in Langley (free wifi and coffee), the four of us opened our shiny new iPads as a crowd of admirers looked on. And I […]

    Continue reading Discussion #2: iPads in the workplace Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Angela Novoa 1:16 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing! I loved your idea about iPad as any tool and our need to use it properly. I really believe that it is not the tool but the way in which we use it what might provoke changes in education.


    • jenaca 5:04 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I have yet to purchase an iPad and when I do, I feel like I will have the same eagerness to unwrap and start exploring it. I agree with you that the iPad is a great device to use to help engage learners and promote exciting, new and differentiated learning. My only concern with this device is the way we teach students how to use it in the classroom and the student’s age at which it is being used at.

    • Kristopher 12:22 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      That’s a really cool story, and quite to clever student. I am constantly impressed how students have made technology part of their daily lives as we get past the novelty and see the tool as just that– a tool.

      When considering the educational viability of tools, I find it challenging to consider both the learner using the machine and the instructor using the machine. Obviously they have different uses, but it’s difficult for me to remember to look at it from both sides. Thanks for highlighting some of the challenges from an educator’s perspective (e.g., wireless use, etc.).



  • themusicwoman 9:19 pm on October 25, 2011
    0 votes

    Recently in our school district, we have a had a change in policy in regards to student files and information. We are now required to hold on to field trip forms for 50 years. Yes, you read that correctly. Also, any assignments, tests or other materials with student identification on it is to be kept […]

    Continue reading Benefits of the cloud for a school? Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud
    • Angela Novoa 5:48 am on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting post. In Chile I have not heard about a project of converting a school district into could storing. However, there is a network of teachers that allows them to upload all the documents they use for their classes (e.g. plans, rubrics of evaluation, assessments, etc) through a Moodle Site. Generally these documents are related to the integration of a technology in instruction. By sharing this information, teachers from different locations can replay an activity in their own context (although I think that in some cases they should consider modifying these activities according to the needs of their students).


    • jenaca 6:20 am on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Wow! 50 Years is a very long time, that seems crazy to me! It definitely sounds like your school would benefit from converting to cloud because of all the files you are required to keep. I’m wondering if it is in your school districts future for this conversion?

    • jarvise 10:57 am on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Your post made me think of our CPP (career and program planning) program, where students get a folder (physical) in grade 9 and start filling in portions, and then this folder follows them through high school. Problem: in high school, the students have multiple teachers. Therefore, who is responsible for keeping hold of the folder? At our school, the TA (teacher advisor, homeroom teacher) keeps the folder. usually. No one in high school really seems to do anything with them. It becomes a dormant file that stays with the TA for the year, and then hopefully gets passed to the next TA for the following year. It would make SO MUCH SENSE for this system to be digitized and cloud-based. You could set it up with a tool like a google calendar that notifies the student when they should be revisiting and updating.

      You also made me think about how much school data is ALREADY in the cloud, based on the file saving practices of individual teachers. I exclusively use google docs for word processing, so what does that tell you about how much of my planning, tests, etc are already in the cloud?

      50 years? Seriously? It seems that the cost of doing this would outweigh the cost of any possible lawsuit arising out of the loss of the documents.


    • bcourey 12:58 pm on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      In Ontario we are trying out e-Portfolios for student to maintain in the cloud for their entire school experience, volunteer experience, extracurricular etc…so that they can use this in future resume-building. It is brand new, and I still need to find out where the server will be – I expect that it is with D2L whose server is exclusively in Ontario. We have to keep transcripts for all students for 55 years – but for field trips? Interesting- sounds like protection against future litigious actions by students as to what might happen on a field trip!

    • Deb Giesbrecht 5:06 pm on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Wow! That really makes you think what do we really need and what is just taking up space. I went to my google docs the other day and found old assignments from a couple of years ago – does this really need to take up storage space on some server some where? Really?

    • Everton Walker 8:09 pm on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Cloud computing fits your situation as it won’t be long before you are out of space. Why do you need to keep those files that long? Do you think this policy will be reviewed soon?


    • themusicwoman 11:46 am on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I can only hope that the district thought through this policy carefully. But of course I’m cynical and instead think that the powers that be in charge of our education system are woefully out of touch with teachers and the reality of teaching. Some teachers have speculated that holding on to these forms is for insurance purposes. Honestly, I can understand holding onto them for a certain amount of time but certainly not 50 years and certainly not in physical form.
      Thanks for the comments. This post seemed to generate a lot of comments even if we’re a little off topic.

  • themusicwoman 9:04 pm on October 25, 2011
    0 votes

    I’m the crazy band and choir teacher who careens into her English classroom with ears ringing. I’m also the one that’s constantly calling IT about the state of the wireless network (don’t get me started) and the one in the staff meeting who is multitasking on my iPhone. I think I’m three courses (not including […]

    Continue reading Michelle’s Cloudy Thoughts Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud
    • bcourey 12:53 pm on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I agree that when you can’t have internet access, the world of the cloud closes hard. That’s why I like applications like Evernote that has a foot in both worlds – I can still take notes on any device that I have installed the application on – and then as soon as I do have access to the internet Evernote synchronizes everything and the files I created on the device now flies into the cloud…I need to find other applications that do the same thing to overcome the problem of limited internet access everywhere you go.

    • andrea 6:52 pm on October 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle, issues with Internet connections are also one of the questions/concerns I have. Even my reliable home connection experiences the occasional hiccup, and when travelling it’s sometimes hard to find a reliable connection. Free wireless is available in so many places, but it’s not always a speedy, reliable connection. I like Brenda’s note about tools that have “a foot in both worlds”.

    • themusicwoman 11:42 am on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Dear Brenda and Andrea,
      I like Brenda’s note about “a foot in both world’s” 🙂 Evernote is one of those apps that I am trying to use more.
      After frustrating network issues lately, I’m not as enthused as I was about the cloud from the time I posted, lol.
      Thanks for the comments.

  • themusicwoman 11:37 am on October 14, 2011
    0 votes

    At school, we have 20 minutes twice a week devoted to BOB (Bring on the Books) which is basically silent reading. Usually, it’s 20 minutes of admonishing students to read rather than talk/fidget or listening to someone flip through a magazine or, heaven forbid, the dreaded sniffling of a runny nose! This year, I allowed […]

    Continue reading Yes, still reading in the tub . . . Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
    • kstooshnov 11:59 am on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great to hear about eReaders being used during silent reading, and no doubt you are one of the cool teachers students talk about, even if they are running the risk of having their electronics confiscated for texting (who could resist?). I’ve asked a few elementary classes I have subbed for whether they are allowed to use electronics to read, and the response was a puzzled “no”, mostly due to teachers who see these devices as tempting distractions. However, yesterday i got to see grade three students quietly reading on iPads in the hall, no doubt so that other with their paperbacks would not be distracted from their reading.

      Also, I heard a tip for how potentially to save a drowned electronic device: remove quickly from water and place in uncooked rice. The grains soak up most of the water, and once dried out the device should work. Of course, I’m not speaking from experience, and wouldn’t want to risk the damage or have to explain to my wife why so much rice was needed. 😉

    • Angela Novoa 12:31 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I remembered that in Elementary School we had an hour for reading. Today schools are missing these activities (at least in my country). I think that it is a wonderful activity for enhancing writing skills (knowledge about vocabulary). Plus, your permission to read through electronic devices motivates them to read. Great reflections!

    • David William Price 1:58 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      One of the problems I have with the concept of reading is you don’t know what “reading” is for someone. I can ask a client (when I was a lawyer) or a student (now I’m a teaching assistant) or a classmate if they read something. They say yes. But what did they get out of it? Sometimes nothing. I talked to classmates earlier this week about the trouble with reading large amounts of text. The point wasn’t to struggle through the text, but to identify concepts and be able to talk about them… reading becomes a productive activity that fuels interesting discussions, not just escapism for some or drudgery for others.

      Perhaps one of the potentials for e-readers is to include ways to help students process what they are reading. “In the reading, highlight something you agree with, something you disagree with.” Project it on a screen and explain why.

      Could projecting the text on a screen provide the student with a way to interact with the material with the class? Pointing at words, highlighting… perhaps even rewriting the text to show what it would look like in different styles, contexts, moods, etc. engaging with classmates in the process.

      Consider vacations. If I think about writing a vacation blog, I actively go out to find exciting things to write about for my friends. If I didn’t think about communicating with others, I might just spend my time soaking up sun on a beach. The same difference may lay in reading class.

      PS: Put your device into a Ziploc plastic bag for reading in the tub.

    • jenaca 2:06 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hey David,
      I really enjoyed reading your post, especially the first section. When I was student teaching, I remember everyday for half an hour students would read silently…however, when I think back to myself in elementary school and when we “had” reading time, i could never focus. Reading was the last thing on my mind and I always had a hard time understanding what I was reading. So I’m not necessarily sure if I agree with this time for students, but I’m not exactly sure how else to promote reading and get students excited about books….maybe do a fun book fair, discuss different books, peer read…
      Thanks for the insight!

    • Allie 3:48 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Y’all’s responses have got me thinking… the larger pedagogical concern is communicating to students *why* they are engaged in some learning activity.

      In post-sec, one of the most difficult tasks – as I’m sure many of you are aware from experience – is ensuring that our students do their readings. I read a blog by a UBC Philsophy prof in which she was discussing this issue, and she remarked that one of the major reasons students avoid their readings is because they don’t know *why* they’re reading what they are reading. I nodded in agreement, remembering my student days. She suggested providing reading questions for the students to help orient them to the passages that are most relevant/important (in addition to more open ended reflection or application questions). She also suggested doing a lecture relevant to the reading *before* the students were assigned the reading – therefore they approached the reading with something to build from.

      I’ve employed these two strategies, and I think they work well; one semester, I had a TA whose role was to write these questions in advance, and we posted them on Vista. We called them guided reading questions. A fair number of the students downloaded them, and reported that it helped them identify the most relevant components of a reading for our class. In three hour classes that I’ve taught, I’ve re-jigged my lecture schedule so that I introduce a topic in the latter portion of a class, then the students go home and do the reading, and then we discuss it in the first part of the subsequent class. I think this has really helped students understand *why* they’re reading a given text, and the lecture gives them a jumping off point.

      In another course – an upper level course on anthro theory – I wrote out guided reading questions in advance and I also provided answers later on in the term. Particularly in a theory course, I found that students were much more likely to do the readings, and got much more out of them, when these questions were developed that were intended to support their reading. (Particularly in a theory course, I was also able to guide them, through these questions, to not worry too much about the really confusing passages that aren’t necessarily super vital.) I also employed this technique – technology? – because one of my primary learning objectives in that course was to teach the students how to really read dense, theory-driven academic texts.

      • David William Price 4:39 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Reading guide sheets are good when they’re done well. I like to see questions on the higher parts of Bloom’s taxonomy… the answers to those questions (evaluation, judgment, design) lead to interesting class discussions.

        It seems to me e-readers could be providing this kind of function with the ability to capture notes. Perhaps even just highlighting sections and relating them to guide sheet questions for reference later…

        • Allie 1:55 pm on October 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          Good point David – I think that the kinds of questions (as for where on Bloom’s taxonomy they land) really depend on the level of the class v the readings they are doing, the level of the class itself, and whereabouts in the semester you are. When I design my courses, I keep the taxonomy in mind – earlier activities, assignments and assessments are more directed towards the lower levels, while later in the term, my assignments are geared towards a more synthetic understanding and their abilities to apply what we’ve learned.

          With readings, particularly early in term, I do like to lowball the guided questions a little bit, especially if we’re reading tough texts. I find that many of my undergraduates’ readings skills are lower than they may ideally be; they really need to be taught *how* to read academic texts, and that seldom seems to happen at the lower levels (1st and 2nd year). It’s a really tough skill to master – as your colleagues’ difficulty getting through large volumes of text indicates.

    • Everton Walker 5:42 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      This is terrific stuff! I am here envying you :). Sadly, we do not have that privilege with ebooks in our local libraries and reading centers. We have a similar concept in Jamaica to your BOB; which is DEAR (Drop Everything And Read). During this time everyone on the school’s campus should be reading independently. However, we have to do it with paperbacks. I cant wait to see similar sessions with ebooks.


    • Deb Kim 9:53 am on October 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      We also have silent reading time in the second period. I suggest my students not to read any newspaper or magazine, because they are noisy and could be skimmed rather than read. Also, I don’t allow them to bring comics/manga for the same reason.
      A few students wanted to read something on their iPhone, but I also didn’t let them use it for SR after I discovered that they were playing games rather than reading.
      How could you monitor if they are doing SR rather than something else if they use electronic devices such as iPhone, iPad, laptop, computer, etc.?


  • themusicwoman 8:36 pm on September 28, 2011
    0 votes

      Jeff O’Hara is the Co-Owner and the Co-Founder of Edmodo which is an answer to the problem of many school districts locking down sites that can be visited. It is a social networking platform that allows teachers to create classes and assign homework, have students submit homework, send out alerts and reminders about exam […]

    Continue reading   Jeff O’Hara is the Co-Owner and t… Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • Jim 2:41 pm on September 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Michelle!
      Great report on Jeff and edmodo! You know, reading this post of yours, especially the last few paragraphs, made me think of something that I hadn’t thought about before. That is, really big schools districts with the money to invest in learning technologies might actually be at a disadvantage when compared to smaller boards. Smaller boards, ones that have not invested in any, or very little, learning technologies so far, are quite free to experiment with newer sites like edmodo or even free learning management systems like moodle. Bigger boards, with more money to spend, might be committed to certain learning technologies, which may no longer be as good as some of the newer online platforms like edmodo.

      BTW – how does edmodo make money?

      • themusicwoman 11:14 am on September 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Dear Jim,
        Good point about being able to be free to experiment. I have had experience with moodle as well but find edmodo actually easier to navigate. I don’t think our district has come out with any “guides” to sites like these.

        And another good question about edmodo making money. Hmmm . . . maybe I’ll just tweet Jeff! Will have to get back to you unless someone else knows.

      • mcquaid 3:02 pm on October 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        That’s very true, Jim… there’s even a difference in levels of users at schools and other sites, too. I know, for myself, as the school’s “site technical contact”, I’m an enhanced user on the network… ie, I can access the Start menu & desktop, download programs, etc. This gives me a great advantage over even other teachers in my school.

    • Kristopher 7:11 pm on September 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jim and Michelle!

      Michelle, thanks for sharing on edmodo. I had not come across this tool and am impressed by its capacities. This is a spectacular tool that I would use as a teacher in my classroom.

      Jim, this is exactly a challenge that my workplace is facing. We are a fairly large organization so that typical response it to create a solution instead of looking to see what solutions are readily available; this leads us to proprietary software that works for a specific function, but doesn’t really work for a changing and developing work environment. When workings with a smaller organization, we were able to test and learn about the tools that we could get to work for us; there was an outside perspective in those products so as they continued to develop, so this our uses.



      • themusicwoman 11:15 am on September 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for the reply, Kristopher. And I’m totally with you about the frustration with programs that are good for the whole but not always a good fit with the specifics. And you were actually asked what you thought??? Wow. lol. Cheers.

    • mcquaid 3:05 pm on October 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, Michelle,
      I’ve tinkered with edmodo before, and thought it had a lot of potential. You’re right in that part of the genius / reason for success here is seeing a problem / niche and being able to resolve / occupy it. It’s like they created a Facebook-like platform that’s focused on education. Nearly genius, and very appropriate for many of today’s learners (and tech-savvy educators).

  • themusicwoman 9:15 pm on September 23, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: I chose to critique a venture pitch about VoIP as our school district recently changed over to one. ShoreTell’s pitch to the panel of experts from was interesting. It’s actually quite amazing how quickly 60 seconds goes by and ShoreTell’s Mark Swendsen is caught up by the short time. However, he does manage […]

    Continue reading VoIP Venture Pitch Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp
    • jenaca 3:45 am on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I also found this pitch to be very interesting and I really enjoyed the way he started out asking the panel questions about the current market. I agree that he is a confident speaker and speaks very clear! Great fine!

    • jenaca 3:46 am on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      ****Great Find!!

    • bcourey 5:53 am on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I noted that he spent 20 seconds just on the pain point of his pitch..he had too many possible problems listed (and he spoke slowly through this part) so that he had to speed up so significantly that I had difficulty understanding him…and he still didn’t get it all in. He needed to find a more succinct way to state the pain point – a single statement that summarizes his list of issues that his product will solve. Another note: the audience looked like a team that would not be easily impressed by any pitch! Or is that just me thinking they looked grumpy?

      • themusicwoman 12:04 pm on September 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hahahaha! I thought they were grumpy, too! And I didn’t think they were going to give him the green light, either.

    • carmencheung 6:01 am on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I also think the panel looked grumpy, especially the one on the far right. I wonder if they are actual CEO’s. As for the pace of the speaker, if you just listen to the pitch without watching the video, it does seem to me that he was speaking too slowly. However, if you look at his facial expressions, it seems that he was calm and was genuinely trying to see if his product could be a solution to the panel’s problem..

    • Everton Walker 12:44 pm on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting pitch. Even though he never came across as being confident, he was knowledgeable of his content due to the manner in which he answered the questions posed at him. Even though I am not a businessman, I would certainly follow up on this venture as it seems to be credible and workable.

    • David Vogt 5:18 am on September 25, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      For those of you that might watch TV shows like “Dragons’ Den”, keep them in mind for these panel-based pitches. While both aim to be “real”, the dynamic of having the pitch/response recorded significantly alters how the venture capital (VC) people behave. In the end VCs thrive on self-promotion, so they’ll all be projecting their own unique persona as much as possible.

      When you pitch a venture, you might be part of a public presentation like these, or you might be part of a closed-door session with a panel of VCs, but by far the most often you’ll be one-on-one with an individual. That makes for a different kind of pitch, much more personal in context. As VCs tend to be a tight-knit community, if one is unsure of your pitch he/she will likely ask you to also pitch (individually) to one of their colleagues who might know your opportunity space better. Then they’ll decide between them whether one or both may go further with you. It’s a very “social” process.


      • themusicwoman 12:05 pm on September 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks, David. I actually kinda wondered about the “socialness” of it and if they all knew each other or at least each other’s reputations.

  • themusicwoman 9:12 pm on September 16, 2011
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    Tags: 2011 learning trends,   

    As I blearily re-read the instructions for this week’s assignment, I dutifully go back and look at the article names I only glanced at before when reading Section 2.1. Randomly choosing Connie Malamed’s Learning Coach, I felt like I was having a deja vu moment. Wait a sec, I thought to myself, this looks eerily […]

    Continue reading Learning Coach Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • khenry 5:07 am on September 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi MW,
      Thanks for your informative and interesting post. I also use Youtube as a search engine but did not know those stats either. Very interesting.
      I agree with your comments on Malamed’s site. I also like the fact that there were blogs/comments on questions and reactions to the content and her responses to such. These were not necessarily readily available on some of the other reports and in this current culture of blogging, social interaction/networking/learning/exchange this was a key attribute..

    • mcquaid 3:18 pm on September 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I also reviewed this article. While thinking critically about the content, I wasn’t even thinking about the things around it – good call! You are right about the unobtrusive ads. As much as I found the article “light”, I also appreciated the directness of it – being direct and succinct are important when delivering messages online.

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