Hello from Switzerland
I am a Vancouverite who is now living in the rolling hills of Switzerland. I am teaching a grade three class at an international school in Zurich. The students are taught in German for half the day and then taught in English with me for the remainder. It has been a very rich experience so far.
This is my fifth MET course. I have already taken ETEC 511, 565, 500, 512, and 531.
I am always looking for some good Smartboard links if anyone knows of any good ones for elementary school.
I really look forward to learning the process behind ET ventures. Like many of us, I would like to see how my ideas could become a reality.
I also look forward to all of the discussions and collaborations to come.
Kind regards,
verenanz 12:26 pm on September 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
HI Andrew! I am working on developing ESL technology assisted learning strategies. Although I am focused on jr high and high students, I would love to hear what you are doing. Are your students ESL learners though?
Switzerland is so beautiful, how exciting for you!
murray12 10:31 pm on September 12, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Verena,
Most of my students are ESL, but the ‘philosophy’ of the school is really to throw them in the deep end. The students have me for half of the day and can only speak English. It is amazing how quickly they pick it up! For the students with little to no English, I usually begin with giving them some more basic assignments and allow them to talk in German to a partner during certain assignments. But otherwise it’s English, English, English. How does this strategy differ from yours?
Everton Walker 2:53 pm on September 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Your experience sounds very interesting. Great to have you as part of the learning team. All the best.
bcourey 7:19 am on September 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I believe we were in the same course prior to this one – I remember that it was the first time I encountered anyone from Switzerland in our learning communities….what a beautiful country to be spending time in – although you were enjoying great mountain views where you were before!
khenry 5:21 pm on September 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Andrew,
Nice to see you again! How long have you been in Switzerland? Have you been able to use any of your MET talents within your courses et al.?
murray12 10:35 pm on September 12, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Kerry-Amm,
This is the beginning of my fourth year in Switzerland. Wow, where does the time go? So far, most of my MET talents are used on our class blog, interactive whiteboard, iPad project, and the school is setting up a Moodle site. How have you been using your MET talents?
Deb Kim 7:56 pm on September 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Andrew,
Nice to meet you.
This course is also my fifth MET course. I took ETEC 500, 511, 521, and 531. I had a great experience taking these courses, so I’m also looking forward to 522. I heard that it’s a great course to take. 😉
Looking forward to working with you!