Here is an interesting website called Em…

Here is an interesting website called EmergingEdTech. ( I found that provides a plethora of articles that make the case for edtech. One I found of particular interest was the article titled Education Technology Is An Enabler, Not a Magic Wand” (September 7, 2011) a short article in response to the NY Times online article “In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores” that David presented at the beginning of the course in one of his introductory posts. A powerful excerpt from this article argues that “technology is a tool, a potentially powerful enabler, and with proper planning and implementation it can produce many benefits, but it does in fact require planning, and so much more, in order to make the investment pay off” (Walsh, 2011) which I think is where vernturists and educators need to work together to maximize the benefits of technology in learning.

While many of you are probably already aware and up-to-date with this site I am new to the edtech arena and thought I would share it in case there are any other newbies out there like me.


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