My flashback

As I am reading other posts, I am recalling long-forgotten games, not necessarily for me…my experience with games consists of Space Invaders (yes, that old) and Pong…but I do recall buying “educational” games for my kids, although the quality was definitely not that experienced today.  I remember Mario Brothers – and yes, my kids learning typing from Mario teaches typing. And I bought the Learning Connections series of Reader Rabbit and the like…but my kids were bored silly – likely due the incredibly slow computers of the day…no ram to speak of…They gave up quickly – and besides, the activities were incredibly lame.  Since then, I do know that my adult sons are both huge gamers – as is my grandson.  My daughter has no interest at all.  The boys admit it is for the adrenalin rush, and for the ability to lose oneself for a few hours.

Posted in: Week 05: Game-Based Learning