And the games continue…
Hi everyone –
I wanted to thank our intrepid Learning Games team for starting us off in such a fine manner; setting the bar suitably high. It’s always tough to go first, especially with our schedule, so bravo!
The only general comment I would make for succeeding groups is to remember that this assignment is about emerging markets, so be sure to aim your critical eye, and our experience, toward an understanding of how that market works (not so much on how the technology itself works, or why it is cool). Your job isn’t to promote your emerging market as the most exciting place to be (unless this is really true!), but to prepare the rest of us for the realities of venture creation and entrepreneurship there. So what are the particular challenges and opportunities, what kind of learning ventures are succeeding, what needs to change in order for the market to grow significantly, etc? Ask questions worthy of professional EVAs, and imagine an external audience of investors, entrepreneurs, innovators, etc, that would really want access to your analysis in order to get the real goods.
And remember that your A1 is due one week from now. I’m available to answer any questions you might have in getting it done right.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted in: Announcements
Deb Kim 3:32 pm on October 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi David,
I have a few questions regarding my second assignment as well as our group assignment.
For the second assignment, where are we supposed to turn it in? Should we email you or post the assignment here? If we need to post it here, could you make a category where we can submit our assignments?
For our group assignment (I’m in the Week 7 group), would you like use to direct the discussion to the course blog or can we keep it within ours?