e-reading and me
I have never owned a device marketed solely as an e-reader device. I have owned a lot of handheld devices, though. One of my favourites was a Palm t|x.
It currently sites somewhere in a box in my basement, its battery completely drained… dead. But, it was great. It was the first portable device I used on which I read several full-length novels. For example, I reread a whole science fiction novel series on that device. Then, I went on to Edgar Allan Poe and H. G. Wells (mostly because those authors have texts in the public domain).
Why did I use it to read books? Because I was using the device constantly for other things and I always had it with me. If I had ten minutes to kill, I could pull it out and read. Not sure how I had the extra time but I remember reading a few Poe novels over the course of a year… but I never sat for five hours, or something, reading books on my Palm. And I still buy paperback books and they are still they the best thing to have at the beach. Sand is a bad thing to get in electronic devices.
My iPad 2 is another story:
My iPad 2 is becoming the device I use more than my PC. If I wasn’t taking any MET courses, I do not think I would be using my PC for much of anything. I am not sure, but was it Steve Jobs who said PCs will soon become the workhorses–a machine you only use if you have something very big, complicated or intensive to accomplish. But tablets will become (are!!) your everyday device for most things.
UPDATE: I am looking for the “PC as workhorse” quote somewhere… I want to know who first said it… the idea that PCs will become only used for complex tasks while tablet will be used for everything else. I found a NYTimes article online that mentions this: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/21/technology/21tablet.html
Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
Karen Jones 6:25 pm on October 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Jim,
The convenience and portability of e-devices are what I cherish, as well. It is great to always have something to read/browse with you. Never a dull moment! I find that surfing the time away is like eating junk food – I’m often left with a feeling that I’ve wasted time, whereas reading a novel switches my brain to a different mode, one that is more relaxing. I know I’m old school…
Deb Kim 2:15 pm on October 12, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Jim,
Thank you for sharing your iPad experience. I’ve been using iPhone since 3 years ago and can’t live without it. I recently gave up buying a tabletPC from HP, becuase the shipping took way too long and I could manage my classes without it. Now I’m thinking of purchasing either iPad or eBook reader just for my personal use, so I wanted to hear from others their experience.
Now that I know that you have iPad, I’m wondering if you use iPhone. The reason I’m asking is because I thought until recently that iPad wasn’t necessary for an iPhone user as the functions are very similar. So I’d like to hear your opinion. As an iPad user, how is it different from using an iPhone (if you happen to use iPhone as well)?
jarvise 2:50 pm on October 13, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Totally agree about the ipad2 being ubiquitous. My husband always has ours with him – obviously I need my own. He takes it to bed, to the tub, everywhere. Literally.
I think all students will have tablets within a couple of years. The price is right, the convenience is there, and so is the functionality.