I have 2 very conflicting genres of read…

I have 2 very conflicting genres of reading materials in general – my preferred reading is fiction, although I have read my share of biographies and self-help books too – but I belong to 2 different book clubs and so my exposure to great fiction is a cherished distraction from work.  But finding time to read this fiction is becoming more restricted to my vacation time – and I am lucky to be able to head to warm climates and enjoy my e-reader fiction selections at poolside while magical beverages appear regularly at my side…and yes, I have been caught with my e-reader over my face while I nap a wee bit.

But the majority of my reading has been professional reading – research articles, and many many books about education from leading experts on every pedagogical topic out there..because of that, I notice my e-reader sitting on my shelf, and I sigh, knowing that it represents a very relaxing special time for me…I refuse to put professional material on it – that would ruin its mystique for me.  That’s what my laptop is for – my task master

Posted in: Week 06: eBooks