Ebooks – Convenient but easily forgotten

From an educational perspective I find e-books very convenient interms of lowering costs and greater portability and flexibility in using a variety of texts within one sitting.

I have a kindle e-reader and it is handy and convenient: less weight and bulk and offers me options for if I desire to read a different book.  However, although I love my kindle the experience lacks the satisfaction I get from reading novels and texts. I like to highlight, make notes and comments as well as attach visuals. It is funny how even novels that do not include visuals allow for a more visual experience than e-books ( is it the presentation of the text on paper, or rather is that a comination of sense – I can touch therefore it influences my experience?).

From personal experience I enjoy the convenience of e-material however, I do not relate to or retain content as much as when engaging with an actual text. On the other hand, videos and visuals increase my retention rate even more. E-books are developing and features become more advanced. http://ebook-reader-review.toptenreviews.com/. However, they do not encompass my ideal, which be an e-reader equipped with visuals (not the simplified platforms but high quality graphics), video capabilities and the ability to highligh texts and take notes that I can see and read again/edit when I reread the text right there on the same page. Such technology may perhaps even trump paper and hardback experiences.







Posted in: Week 06: eBooks