Hi All,   I am a big fan of bloggin…

Hi All,


I am a big fan of blogging as it has become a part of my classroom since early 2011. First, I started out using webs but found out that it wasn’t meeting my mandate and I never had enough space to set up content, graphics and videos. Soon after I started using wordpress and my blogging problems were immediately solved. Ever since, I have been using it as part of a blended approach where students are given the opportunity to meet, collaborate, interact and discuss class-related topics synchronously and asynchronously. Students are graded for participation so the blog is always active. I also ensure that I track the discussions and clarify misconceptions when necessary. I always make my presence felt in an attempt to make students know that I am around even though it’s a virtual environment. Students can also upload assignments and are provided with links to quizzes, database and other sources of information. So far it has been great fun and the students are happy for the change where they can now enter a classroom without walls at http://evertonwalker.literacystudiesja.info/.

So far wordpress is working well for me. It provides real flexibility and plugins that make the ideal Content Management System (CMS). It is easy to use and is built with social interaction in mind. As a result, students are able to have discussions in a form that they would usually have on other popular social networking sites. In addition, I am able to extend the classroom by embedding links to various social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

I have tried blogger before but it never satisfied by blogging need as it relates to using it as a classroom tool. It never gave me enough options to upload all the content I need to suffice all my classes. For regular discussions, it’s ok but I am looking for much more in a blog. In addition, it wasn’t that appealing and the students visited for a few weeks and eventually stopped. To me, it just never catered to their social interest.  Or maybe I never explored it enough to learn some more about its features.


Posted in: Week 07: Blogs