The Cloud

Currently I am taking my 9th and 10th MET courses. Through MET I have learned amazingly how to deliver and store information in the Web. Currently I am using: GoogleDocs, GoogleSites, Prezi, Animoto, Glogster, Youtube, Gmail, UBC blogs, Edublogs and Wikispaces. With my students I am currently using Glogster. One of the issues I try to care about is privacy, specially when working with young students.  I recommend them not to expose themselves in the content they are publishing and in the way they interact with others (usually we ask them to interact only with the teacher and classmates). Our school has a regulation about the interaction of students through information technologies, so we base on this regulations when assessing their work through these tools.  But, despite these issues, one of the usefulness of delivering and storing our students’ works on the Web is that they are public to the whole school community (principals, teachers, parents, etc.), so everyone can see what we are working in and how our students are learning.

Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud