Cloud computing

Cloud computing has definitely shifted the way that I use the web.  I don’t save as much on my computer and I don’t always need to have my jump drive with my files with me.  For collaborations I often use Google Docs.  I have also uploaded videos on to YouTube and used WordPress and Blogger.  I have also used other programs such as Picasa and Slide roll to upload pictures and presentations.  All of these programs make it easier to showcase and access my work.

I do worry about security and I do try and make sure that I don’t put any personal or sensitive information on these sites.  While I may be in this technology program, I do not have a Facebook account.  It drives my friends nuts, but I don’t feel comfortable using such applications as they have a reputation of changing their security and privacy policies and have issues with people hacking into their sites and comandeering them.  And I am glad that your presentation addresses security and prvacy, although I do wonder how many people read those “I agree/disagree” policies that we all click prior to using an application.


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