The Benefits of PBA in MET
Prior to the MET program I was introduced to PBA in other programs. However, this MET program is very helpful to me in clearly understanding the effects of PBA. The product based assessments that were a part of the courses I have completed including the first assessment of this course have proven very helpful to me in many ways such as:
- It allowed me to show originality and creativity especially in the development of a digital story.
- It allowed me to incorporate most levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Development in a single project.
- It allowed me clearly understand concepts in various courses I have done in this program, for example the MOODLE assignment of ETEC 565.
- It assisted me to become aware of the relevant of the concepts in educational technology.
- It allowed me to develop independency and tenacity to work on projects outside of jobs.
- It allowed me to demonstrate my knowledge and abilities in a concrete way.
- It allowed me to easily integrate reading, writing and speaking skills.
- It helped me to develop patience when working with other persons on a project.
- It allowed me to become more competent in the use of technology in the classroom.
In the MET program I have completed many products which include courses development, course material on MOODLE platform, development of cartoon on TOONDOO, portfolios, digital story, creating blogs and wikis. These projects have certainly created a platform for me to attempt a Ph.D program in the near future and become more involve in projects in my country that deal with technology.
Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
verenanz 9:07 am on November 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello hall!
I think that you have mentioned a key factor of PBA which keep us all motivated – you have learned by “doing”. The examples that you cite exemplify using your strengths as a learner in different ways – in order to reach a common goal …learning something new! It sounds like the PBA learning that you explored encouraged an authentic learning experience for you.
When you developed material in moodle, did you try using PBA methods? Were you using moodle 1.9 or moodle 2.0? With moodle 2.0 it seems that there is a lot more opportunity for designing “PBA” courses….especially with all the new bells and whistles, (blogs, language workshops, portfolios etc).
Thanks for your comment,
Verena 🙂
jenaca 10:48 am on November 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I agree!! You definitely hit the mark on PBA…Keeping us all motivated! I think this is one of the best ways of learning!
hall 8:51 pm on November 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Verenanz,
Yes, I tried PBA method. I think used Moodle 2.0 for the assignment. I spent countless hours on the internet to teach myself the procedure to setup the online course. The most challenging aspect of the project was the creation of a splashing page. I felt I was walking on muddy ground and farther I walk the more I sunk until one night I got the break through. I found out how to create the splashing page.
Juliana 9:22 am on November 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Everton,
Great synopsis. I agree with you in that PBA really does give us a way to demonstrate our abilities. We not only put our technology skills on display, but we also show how we incorporate our pedagogical, andragogical and constructivist abilities into our project. We also get to show how we have evolved through the program and grown through our reflections.
Angela Novoa 5:06 pm on November 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Conroy,
I really enjoyed your post, specially your phrase: “It allowed me to develop independency and tenacity to work on projects outside of jobs”. The fact that we were required to solve different kinds of problems through the assessments and activities required in the MET courses forced us to develop autonomy and tenacity. It also fostered collaboration among peers. Fostering originality and creativity is a key of PBAs, and, from my point of view, it is linked with problem solving.