WebCT vs. UBC Blogs
As many classmates may agree, switching from the WebCT format used in a majority of MET program courses to the current UBC blog has been a subtle shift from the usual way of posting and responding to others. Which of the two offer a preferred educational experience, similar to what we as teachers can provide […]
Continue reading WebCT vs. UBC Blogs Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
Allie 8:34 pm on October 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You raise a lot of important points – and I especially appreciate your point about the older posts disappearing. The LMS discussion boards seem to allow a wider number of conversations to be going on at the same time.
Something I do appreciate about writing for the ocean is that I take a little more care in thinking through my posts than I might do on WebCT.
*as for the ‘my grade’ feature – when one is a prof designing a webCT site, one gets to pick and choose which features one wants to include; sometimes you might click on a bunch of features that you might use, but don’t end up using. I expect that one of the reasons the gradebook isn’t often used is because most of us keep a private gradebook on excel or whatever, and it’s just another task to input grades onto WebCT.