Hello -My name is Terri, and this is my ninth course in the MET Program. My professional background includes dietetics, technical writing, courseware development, instructional design, IT project management as well as business analysis. I currently work for a large software firm that allows me to dabble in all of the above, except dietetics of course! My interests center around virtual live classroom and e-learning initiatives. I especially enjoy the challenges and rewards of working on virtual teams dispersed across time zones.
When I’m not working, you’ll generally find me enjoying the outdoors on the North Shore Mountains although I’d love to hike up Mount Cheam (Chilliwack) pictured below. As well, this fall I’m planning on taking up kayaking. Anyone have any suggestions for taking up this activity?
Reading through the bios I’m thrilled to see that once again we’re a highly diversified group. I look forward to learning with you. – Terri
Hello Terri and it is nice to meet you. That is a great picture. I look forward to learning with you.
Hi Terri. I’m also impressed with the range of competencies represented in the group. Good North Vancouver representation!
Sounds like a you have a lot of fun in what you do! Have a great term!
Hello Terri,
Nice to meet you.
Are you thinking of taking up ocean or whitewater kayaking?
If you want to go for whitewater, check out these links from my hometown:
Hi Terri, Your experience sounds fascinating. Looking forward to your perspective.
Hi Terri, you seem like you have basically the perfect background for this course. I hope to be doing similar work as you. Any tips on how to get started working in the instructional design field? I have a background in curriculum and technical writing, but not sure how to bridge the gap. Nice to meet you!
Hi Dale – It’s nice to meet you as well!
Hi David – I don’t recall having this many North Vancouverites in any of my other MET courses. Enjoy the course!
Every day is a new adventure at work and I really enjoy that. Have a great term as well Ryan!
Hi Sylvain – Thanks for sharing the links. I’ve tried ocean kayaking the once and think that I’ll start with more of that as well as kayaking on Harrison Lake. The whitewater experience looks amazing however I may need to work up to that. Have a great term. – Terri
Hi Jen – Looking forward to working with you as well!
Hi Brendan – Very nice to meet you as well. My best advice would be to be flexible and to showcase your core skills and how they can be applied to the role that is available. More recently I’ve identified gaps and then made a proposal for a new role that would take away the current pain points. This is a great way of designed a job with those features that are most desirable while omitting as many features that are of less interest. Your travel experiences will be a tremendous asset here as well.- Terri
Hi Terri,
Looking forward to your perspectives and ideas this semester.
Hi Terri,
What ever happened to that band Chilliwack? I heard them in Calgary when I lived there and thought they were fab (long time ago now!). Great to hear of your diverse professional background. I work as an instructional designer and courseware developer in Australia. In various sectors, but not yet software. Are you designing learning for clients or employees?