My name is Naomi. I live in Calgary, AB and this is my 7th MET course. I currently wear a number of hats including professional and workskills trainer, EAL (English as an Additional Language Instructor) to adult immigrants and IELTS examiner. My real interest lies in adult education and workplace learning, and my dream is to someday have 1 job 🙂 working in this field. I am very excited about the topics and projects we are going to cover in this course, especially assignment 3. A recent Linkedin discussion focused on what skills people thought instructional designers lacked and the top two were project management and selling skills. So this course has me feeling goosebumps! Now it would be really interesting if we could bring in a Dragon (CBC show) and see if they would invest in our ventures:) Anyway., I’m looking forward to working with all of you
Hello Naomi! It`s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. It`s funny you mention that you hope to one day just have one job – I have recently moved to Quebec and for the first time in my adult life, have just one job — beyond MET that is 😉 Your various professional hats seem like they will help contribute to the diversity of this course, I`m looking forward to working with you this term.