Hello Everyone,
Introductions are not my strong point but I will give it a shot… I currently reside in Calgary, AB. I moved here shortly after spending a year both teaching and travelling in Asia. I can’t believe I have been here three years already. I am originally from Nanaimo, BC but have been in Alberta for almost 10 years off and on. I received my BA and BEd from the University of Alberta and unfortunately moved to Calgary at the worst time for teacher, 3 years ago. With that being said the lack of opportunity in teaching lead me to alternative opportunities. I am currently the Team Lead of Project and Training for the Office of the Registrar at SAIT Polytechnic. I enjoy my work a lot as it give me a broader perspective of post-secondary education, the administration side that few see. Being at SAIT has given me the opportunity to pursue this Masters program. This is my seventh course and should be finishing April 2015. In my spare time I like to be as active as possible, play softball, volleyball, basketball, snowboarding, skateboarding and biking. I volunteer for a couple music festivals here in Calgary: Folk Fest and Sled Island with the focus on the volunteering being that of environmental sensitivity. I am big into music and art and am starting a blog on urban art in Calgary as the scene is quite small and emerging. I have attached a couple photos that took from Sled Island Music Festival 2 years ago.
I look forward to learning from everyone in the class and experiencing a new avenue for online learning.
Hi rjoelmay (Joel?),
Love the photos. Cool raincoat. Where can I get one like that?
Welcome! I’d love a link to that urban art blog you mentioned if you’re comfortable sharing, sounds great.
Hi. I am also in post-secondary education. I work as an instructional designer at Lethbridge College. I was born and raised in Calgary! It was a different city then, but I sure miss it most days. I am not sure if you chose to not post your name, should we call you rjoelmay?
Lol, if I told you where to get it then everyone would have one 🙂
It is still a work in progress, I will let you know when I have it up to par.
You can call me Joel. I am unable to change my profile name it seems. I taught in Lethbridge for a bit, at both LCI and Winston Churchill.
Joel, you can change your name by going to: Dashboard > profile > your profile. Then make sure Nickname is filled in. You then have to choose that nickname from the “Display Name Publicly As” dropdown right blow that, then click the “update profile” button at the bottom of the page. : )