Hi everyone!
My name is Riea and I’m a westcoast transplant living in Halifax. We moved here four years ago and enjoying the relaxed pace of life. Including this course, I have four more to complete so I’m at the home stretch now.
I find that I’m typically unique in the program because I’m not a teacher and work for the government. I am the provincial training manager for the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) program and develop the curriculum and assess learners. There is a huge appetite to bring physicians to a level of competency using the EMR that they are optimizing the application to make patient population decisions. It’s quite an exiting time in the world of digital health.
I recognize some of the names here and as always, looking forward to learning from everyone.
Hi Riea,
I am much like you in the sense that I am not a Teacher either, I am a vocational trainer with the North Warning System (teaching workplace related health and safety courses). I have taught ESL and developed child and youth programming but much different then the classroom.
Nice to meet you, I look forward to working with you!
Hello Riea, it’s nice to meet another non-teacher in the MET! I’d be interested to hear about how your experiences in the program so far have shaped your work. In my design undergrad we worked on the development of medical products and systems and I learned how large of a market and need there is for health care system solutions. It’s a fascinating topic, and I look forward to chatting with you!
Nice to meet you, too! Interesting line of work that you do. I haven’t really been in a formal classroom setting for a while. It’ll be nice to have someone outside of the classroom to chat with!
Hi Bobbi,
It’s definitely a benefit of being in the MET program and working in a fast paced field of health. There’s things that I come across in research that I try or apply in my work setting. I like that you said “healthcare system” solutions. It really is a whole system that needs to come together, not silos of innovation, although there is a spot for that, too.
Looking forward to learning from you!
Hi Riea,
Nice to meet you! Love to hear your perspectives on EMR and how it could be integrated into experiential experiences for students. They need so many real-world examples! Look forward to learning more about your perspective. I used to work in the healthcare environment prior to be becoming a teacher.
Hi Leah,
What did you do in healthcare prior to becoming a teacher?
We shifted focus on the way we deliver optimization of EMR sessions – turned it into small hands-on workshops so that people can work in their own enterprise/environment at the workshop and get help fixing anything on the spot. Learners have been really receptive to this and no matter the experience level, I hear that people come away with learning at least one new tip/trick. Would love to chat more!
Hi Riea,
It’s nice to see another person in Nova Scotia! I`m in Cape Breton but it is so rare to find someone in this program that is on the same time zone as me! I am so use to the 4-hour time difference with group work! Welcome to the course and I am looking forward to learning from and with you!
Chad 🙂
Hi Chad,
Wow, this is crazy! Last semester I had two people from NS and found that being in the same time zone was great. Up till that point, I was always the only one staying up till 12am for group work. What part of CB are you from?
Looking forward to working with you!