Hi Everyone:
My name is Peter, and I’ve been in the MET program for a few years now. I’m sort of taking my time, and feel that its better to go slowly, than to rush things. Just like good slow cooked brisket, it always tastes better. Also, French toast done really slowly tastes much better 🙂 I suppose you now have had a taste of what I like, food. Yes, I am foodie, a techie, and a linguist. I love languages and cultures, and want to perhaps pursue a doctorate in the future focusing on some aspect of culture. It’s interesting, because I am fascinated with technology, and am love apple technology. But there is a part of me that is very earthy and romantic, and prefer to do things in the old fashioned manner. I love antiques, old fashioned things, but really merging the new with the old. That’s what I intend to do, merge the new technology with the old world romance of European languages and civilizations to create a new learning adventure.
So here is a checklist of what I like and what I am about:
Good food – no fast food, no chain food, no garbage snack food
Technology – Apple technology – simple, powerful, effective
Culture/Language – French, Spanish, Italian (yes I speak all fluently), and hail Britannia, we do have an English culture
Music – I love music!
Hi Peter, nice to meet you! It sounds lovely weaving your way through the MET and taking your time to smell the roses along the way. Look forward to working with you this semester : )
Thanks Bobbi K for your commentary. Sounds good, and now I’ll comment on your posts!
Hi Peter,
Love your analogy of the brisket and French toast. I am also taking my time completing the MET program – doing no more than 1 course per term (and I gotta take next term off to deliver a baby 🙂 I love food, and taking my time to make a nice brunch on a Saturday morning is one of my favourite things to do.
Looking forward to working with you this term!
Tiffany Tseng
Glad to know I’m not the only one taking my time; reminds me of SOUL most of us experienced earlier in the MET program. (However, I have been side-tracked a couple of times ie. getting married, moving, etc.)
Hi Peter,
I am also happy to hear that other people are taking their time! 🙂
Also – totally agree about the french toast. (Love the food analogies).
I look forward to working with you this semester!
– Jenny
Hi Peter,
I enjoyed reading your post. With your interesting analogies I can see you are a true foodie.
I too like apple technology and agree that they are very effective and successful.
Great to know you and looking forward to learning with you. Mehdia