Question and Answer

Where do we post?


Just wondering where we should post related to this week’s suggestion.

  “The web has so many examples that you should look for yourself – and if you find something of special interest please share it in the blog: we appreciate participation and collaborative knowledge construction in this course.” The MaRS Discovery District has resources I’d like to share.



4 thoughts on “Where do we post?

  1. David Vogt says:

    Hi Kendra –

    Each week has its own discussion area – in this case use the “W04; Entrepreneur Bootcamp” category for any open discussion and resources not specific to the Founder’s Parade activity (which is a forum).

    Are you thinking that an additional Forum for posting and authoring/reviewing/rating resources pertinent to venture genesis and activation would be worthwhile? Good thinking! I had originally thought of this as a separate activity for this week, but felt there was already enough going on. Do you agree?


  2. Kendra Grant says:

    I like the idea of a separate discussion for this type of information. My thinking is if I post under W04 the information will be lost. I know there have been a couple things I’ve read – such as the BDC Business Plan kit and some of the pitch info – that would be great in a separate place so people can easily find it as they are developing their pitch etc.
    One other questions – I noticed that I have access to everyone’s posts on my dashboard – usually I can only see my own but I can actually edit what is in there…is this correct?

  3. David Vogt says:

    HI Kendra –

    As per my earlier Superhuman Powers announcement, I’ve upgraded everyone to Editor status, so yes, now you can see and edit every post, including those of your instructors. The intent is to give you editing capabilities commensurate with the professional collective curation roles we wish you to take on. We trust you’ll be OK with such power!

  4. Kendra Grant says:

    Got it! I thought I had the same abilities in my last course without access to everyone’s posts. Just makes it easier to see (and later curate) my posts for A4. I will not abuse my superpowers.

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