scott does scotland: travel adventures

Touristing in Paris

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Last night I got back from a whirlwind weekend in Paris – I met up with my friend Liz, who I’ve known since high school (or, I suppose, since fifth grade – but we didn’t become good friends until a few years later). She’s doing a co-op term in Germany, so we decided to meet in the middle for 36 overlapping hours in one of my favourite cities! I should mention that I have been to Paris before; I actually went twice with my family, the summers I was 13 and 14….read more


eight weeks down, seven to go

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Upon realizing that my adventure is more than halfway over, I’ve been having lots of feelings these past few weeks! Good feelings, mostly, but it’s always nice to channel weird, all-over-the-place thoughts. My poetry skills are rusty – be nice 🙂 —- world traveller, you spread your wings and fly up, up, away finally making it out of your chrysalis before: safety, assurance, comfort, then sudden not-knowing here: first new, now familiar, thoughts of tomorrow swirling, questions of “now what,” already feeling the tears on your cheeks, marking silvery trails down your face, they look…read more


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