For a complete list of my research publications and numbers of citations, please visit my google scholar page: publication list
Griffiths, J.S., A. Y.-L. Tsai, H. Xue, , C. Voiniciuc, K. Šola, G.J. Seifert, S.D. Mansfield and G.W. Haughn. 2014. SOS5 mediates Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage adherence and organization through pectins. Plant Physiol. 165: 991-1004. (abstract)(manuscript pdf)
Vesna Katavic, Lin Shi, Yuanyuan Yu, Lifang Zhao, George W. Haughn and Ljerka Kunst. 2014. Investigation of the contribution of oil biosynthetic enzymes to seed oil content in Brassica napus and Arabidopsis thaliana. Can. J. Plant Sci. in press. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Gilchrist E.J., C.H.D. Sidebottom, C.S. Koh, T. MacInnes, A.G. Sharpe, G.W. Haughn. 2013. A Mutant Brassica napus (Canola) Population for the Identification of New Genetic Diversity via TILLING and Next Generation Sequencing.,PLoS ONE 8(12): e84303. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
McFarlane, H.E., Y. Watanabe, D. Gendre, K. Carruthers, G. Levesque-Tremblay, G.W. Haughn, R.P. Bhalerao, L. Samuels. 2013. Cell wall polysaccharides are mistargeted to the vacuole in echidna mutants. Plant Cell Physiol. 54: 1867-1880. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Voiniciuc C., G.H. Dean, J.S. Griffiths, K. Kirchsteiger, Y-T. Hwang, A. Gillett, G. Dow, T.L. Western, M. Estelle, and G.W. Haughn. 2013. FLYING SAUCER1 Is a Transmembrane RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligase That Regulates the Degree of Pectin Methylesterification in Arabidopsis Seed Mucilage. Plant Cell 25: 944-959. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Gilchrist, E. and G. Haughn. 2013. Gene identification: reverse genetics. In: Diagnostics in Plant Breeding. J.R. Andersen, T. Lübberstedt, and Rajeev Varshney. Eds. Springer pp 61-89. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Bhargava A., A. Ahad, S. Wang, S.D. Mansfield, G.W. Haughn, C.J. Douglasand B.E. Ellis. 2013. The interacting MYB75 and KNAT7 transcription factors modulate secondary cell wall deposition both in stems and seed coat in Arabidopsis. Planta: 237: 1199-1211. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Müller K., G. Levesque-Tremblay,S. Bartels, K. Weitbrecht, A. Wormit, B. Usadel, G. Haughn, and A. Kermode. 2013. Demethylesterification of cell wall pectins in Arabidopsis thaliana plays a role in seed germination. Plant Physiol. 161: 305-316. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Esfandiari E., Z. Jin, A. Abdeen, J.S. Griffiths, T.L. Western and G.W. Haughn. 2013. Identification and analysis of an outer-seed-coat-specific promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 81:93–104 (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Haughn, G.W. and T.L. Western. 2012. Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage is a specialized cell wall that can be used as a model for genetic analysis of plant cell wall structure and function. Frontiers in Plant Science 3:64. doi:10.3389/fpls.2012.00064. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Shi L., V. Katavic, Y. Yu, L. Kunst and G. Haughn. 2012. Arabidopsis glabra2 mutant seeds deficient in mucilage biosynthesis produce more oil. Plant J. 69: 37-46 . (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Dean G., Y. Cao, D Xiang, N.J. Provart, L. Ramsay, A. Ahad, R. White, G. Selvaraj, R. Datla and G. Haughn.2011. Analysis of gene expression patterns during seed coat development in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 4: 1074–1091. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Mendu V., J. Griffiths, S. Persson, J. Stork, B. Downie, C. Vioniciuc, G. Haughn and S. Debolt. 2011. Subfunctionalization of cellulose synthases in seed coat epidermal cells mediate secondary radial wall synthesis and mucilage attachment. Plant Physiol. 157: 441–453. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Huang, J., D. DeBowles, E. Esfandiari, G. Dean, N.C. Carpita and G.W. Haughn. 2011. The Arabidopsis Transcription Factor LUH/MUM1 Is Required for Extrusion of Seed Coat Mucilage. Plant Physiol. 156: 491-502. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Zhao L., V. Katavic, F. Li, G.W. Haughn and L. Kunst. 2010. Insertional mutant analysis reveals that LONG-CHAIN ACYL-COA SYNTHETASE 1 (LACS1), but not LACS8, functionally overlaps with LACS9 in Arabidopsis seed oil biosynthesis. Plant J. 64: 1048-1058. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Xu, M., T. Hu, S. McKim, J. Murmu, G. Haughn, S. Hepworth. 2010. Arabidopsis BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 and 2 promote floral meristem fate and determinacy in a novel pathway targeting APETALA1 and AGAMOUS-LIKE24. Plant J. 63: 974–989. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Stork J. , D. Harris , J. Griffiths , B. Williams , F. Beisson , Y. Li-Beisson , V. Mendu , G. Haughn , and S. DeBolt. 2010. CELLULOSE SYNTHASE9 serves a non-redundant role in secondary cell wall synthesis in Arabidopsis epidermal testa cells. Plant Physiol.153: 580–589. (abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary figures)
Haughn G. and L. Kunst. 2010, Arabidopsis thaliana: a model organism for molecular genetic studies in plants: How and why was arabidopsis chosen over other plants? In S.L. Gillies and S. Hewitt (eds.), Biology on the Cutting Edge: Concepts, Issues, and Canadian Research around the Globe (Pearson Canada, Toronto) pp 7-11. (proof)
Haughn G. 2010, Identifying proteins involved in plant cell wall modification: How forward genetics can be used to study biology. In S.L. Gillies and S. Hewitt (eds.), Biology on the Cutting Edge: Concepts, Issues, and Canadian Research around the Globe (Pearson Canada, Toronto) pp 121-126. (proof)
Arsovski A.A., G.W. Haughn and T.L. Western. 2010. Seed coat mucilage cells of Arabidopsis thaliana as a model for plant cell wall research. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5: 796 – 801. (proof)
Gilchrist E. and G. Haughn. 2010. Reverse genetics techniques: engineering loss and gain of gene function in plants. Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 9: 103-110. (abstract)
Arsovski A.A., T.M. Popma, G.W. Haughn, N.C. Carpita, M.C. McCann and T.L. Western. 2009. AtBXL1 encodes a bifunctional ß-D-xylosidase/a-L-arabinofuranosidase required for pectic arabinan modification in Arabidopsis thaliana mucilage secretory cells. Plant Physiol.150:1219-1234.
(abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary figures)
Himelblau E, Gilchrist EJ, Buono K, Bizzell C, Mentzer L, Vogelzang R, Osborn T, Amasino RM, Parkin IA, and Haughn GW. 2009. Forward and reverse genetics of rapid-cycling Brassica oleracea. Theor. Appl. Genet. 118: 953-961. (abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary Table)
Souza, CA, SS Kim, S Koch, L Kienow, K Schneider, SM McKim, GW Haughn, E Kombrink and CJ Douglas. 2009. A Novel Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetase Is Required for Pollen Development and Sporopollenin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 507–525. (abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary figures)
Young, RE, HE McFarlane, MG Hahn, TL Western, GW Haughn, and AL Samuels. 2008. Analysis of the Golgi Apparatus in Arabidopsis Seed Coat Cells during Polarized Secretion of Pectin-Rich Mucilage. Plant Cell: 20: 1623-1638.(abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary figures)
McKim SM,. G-E Stenvik, MA Butenko, W Kristiansen., SK Cho, SR Hepworth, RB Aalen and GW Haughn. 2008. The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE genes are essential for abscission zone formation in Arabidopsis. Development 135: 1537-1546 (cover) (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Dean,GH, H Zheng, J Tewari, J Huang, DS Young, YT Hwang, TL Western, NC Carpita, MC. McCann, SD. Mansfield, and GW Haughn. 2007. The Arabidopsis MUM2 Gene Encodes a ß-Galactosidase Required for the Production of Seed Coat Mucilage with Correct Hydration Properties. Plant Cell 19: 4007-4021. (abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary figures)
Kumar R, K Kushalappa, D Godt, MS Pidkowich, S Pastorelli, SR Hepworth 3, and GW Haughn. 2007. The Arabidopsis TALE homeodomain proteins SAW1 and SAW2 control leaf development in part through negative regulation of KNOX function. Plant Cell 19: 2719–2735. (abstract) (manuscript pdf) (supplementary figures)
Gilchrist EJ, NJ O’Neil, AM Rose, MC Zetka and GW Haughn. 2006. TILLING is an effective reverse genetics technique for Caenorhabditis elegans. BMC Genomics 7:262. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Haughn, G.W. and E. J. Gilchrist, (2006). TILLING in the Botanical Garden: a reverse genetic technique feasible for all plant species. In: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition), JA Teixeira da Silva (Ed), Global Science Books, Ltd., London, UK, pp 476-482. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Hepworth, S.R., J. E. Klenz, and G. W. Haughn. 2006. UFO expression in the inflorescence apex is required for floral- meristem identity and bract suppression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 223: 769-778. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Gilchrist, E. J., G.W. Haughn, C.C. Ying, S. P. Otto, J. Zhuang, D. Cheung, B. Hamberger, F. Aboutorabi, T. Kalynyak, L. Johnson, J. Bohlmann, B.E. Ellis, C.J. Douglas and Q.C.B. Cronk, 2006. Use of Ecotilling as an efficient SNP discovery tool to survey genetic variation in wild populations of Populus trichocarpa. Molecular Ecology 15: 1365-1376. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Haughn G. and A. Chaudhury. 2005. Genetic analysis of seed coat development in Arabidopsis. Trends in Plant Science 10: 472-477. (abstract) (manuscript pdf)
Western T.L., D.S. Young, G.H. Dean, W.L. Tan, A.L. Samuels and G.W. Haughn. 2004. MUCILAGE-MODIFIED4 encodes a putative pectin biosynthetic enzyme developmentally regulated by APETALA2, TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 and GLABRA2 in the Arabidopsis seed coat.Plant Physiol. 134: 296–306 (abstract) (manuscript pdf)