French owns my soul. Final on Monday. omg.

AWKWARD. I came here with a specific writing topic in mind, and as soon as the Write Post page came up I lost it. Dorkus maximus. Anyway so now that I lost my original train of thought, I feel like talking about books. I don’t know if you know this, but I read ALOT. University […]

Dim Sum Sundays

Posted by: | October 12, 2008 | 1 Comment

Every Sunday afternoon in the caf here at Totem they serve dim sum, and it’s basically the highlight of my week. I always get some to actually eat there, and when I’m finished I get some to go as snack food for later on when I’m studying. In fact, as I type there is a […]

Philosophy 220…

Posted by: | September 30, 2008 | Comments Off on Philosophy 220…

…Is royally kicking my butt. That’s all I have to say about that. Go look it up on the course listings and you’ll understand the madness that I am taking “just for fun”. Don’t get me wrong, the material is really fascinating, but for the life of me I don’t think I will ever fully […]

First Week of College…Check!

Posted by: | September 6, 2008 | 6 Comments

Today marks my 7th day officially on my own, and it is GREAT! Mind you I’ve been so busy that it wasn’t really until today that it dawned on me that I hadn’t blogged here since BEFORE I left the U.S., but I’m here now! Right now I’m just chillin my room, taking a break […]

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