HELLO UBC! It’s hard to believe that summer is (almost) over! I refuse to acknowledge the end of summer until I step foot in my first class, which will be on Wednesday at 9AM. So woo hoo about 1.3 more days of Jen Summer! The past couple of days have been really crazy, but one […]

God Save My Laptop

Posted by: | January 24, 2009 | 2 Comments

I feel like I’ve dropped off the face of the Earth for the past few days. Why, you may ask? RIP LAPTOP Backstory: My roommate and I bunked our beds, she on top and I on bottom. I may have blogged about this before. What happened Wednesday night: My roommate came in from a night […]

First Snow

Posted by: | December 12, 2008 | 3 Comments

Am I the only one who has never seen snow fall before? Anyone? Bueller? Okay well yeah. I’m sitting in my dorm silently freaking out because I have no clue how to act in snowy weather. Mind you this is “wet rain” (or so the cleaning dude on my floor told me) so it won’t […]

Decision 2008

Posted by: | November 4, 2008 | Comments Off on Decision 2008

The next four years should be interesting. Not gonna lie, I was totally praying for a McCain-shaped victory, but I’m not one to dwell on disappointments. Okay so future-President-Obama supports things that I am 100% against, but that just means that in order to win those battles, I (and anyone else who feels the same […]

Pre-UBC Feelings

Posted by: | August 21, 2008 | 1 Comment

Here’s to my FIRST BLOG POST! Yay! Right now it’s T-minus 5 days and I am freaking out! My thoughts are so jumbled it’s not even funny, so I guess the best way to explain my pre-UBC feelings is through bullet points. I’ve been involved in an epic battle of wits with my room for […]

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