
Tell us your UBC graduate experience

and you could win a $25 VISA gift card

GSS Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey

Share with us your experiences at UBC and help us better understand graduate students’ experiences in areas such as supervisor relationships, finances, mental health, and engagement with services at UBC.
You are invited to complete the annual GSS Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey. The survey will take about 20 minutes. 

To fill out the survey and enter for the lucky draw for a $25 VISA gift card, please find the personalized email in your inbox and follow the link provided. Please complete the survey by April 26, 2017.

GSS Catch Up




The struggle for housing in Vancouver is a challenge for every UBC graduate student

Off and on-campus housing for UBC students has the lowest rental vacancy rate in Canada. Tell us about your struggle to find peace of mind in this broken market.

Your Story – the story of UBC graduate student – has the power to move hearts and minds. It can drive the construction of new student housing on and around campus. It can enable the construction of higher density housing and it can bring peace of mind to graduate students at UBC for years to come. The GSS is run by and for students. We know that the experience of and challenges faced by fellow graduate students are often forgotten.
My Housing Story is an initiative run by the GSS at where your voice can be heard, where graduate students can tell their story about their experiences fighting for space at UBC and in the Vancouver community.

To share your housing story or for more information on the My Housing Story campaign, please visit:

GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award Winners

Twice a year, your GSS sponsors the GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award that recognizes exemplary non-thesis work by UBC Vancouver graduate students of all disciplines. We would like to congratulate the following winners of the past year: April 2016:

1.     Hosseini, Ali || Hirota, Jeremy A. || Hackett, Tillie L. || McNagny, Kelly M. || Wilson, Susan J. || Carlsten, Chris: Morphometric analysis of inflammation in bronchial biopsies following exposure to inhaled diesel exhaust and allergen challenge in atopic subjects

2.     Ngo, Victor D. Transportation network companies and the ridesourcing industry : a review of impacts and emerging regulatory frameworks for Uber

October 2016:

1.     Benoit, Jean-Paul Andre Joseph. Biomarkers in traumatic brain injuries : usefulness and implications in primary health care

2.     Myring, Amy. Quality Improvement Recommendations for Nurse Sensitive Transplant Indicators. Teaching and Learning in Hard and Soft Disciplines at North American Universities

April 2017:

1.     Mok, Keilee. A standardized two day nursing orientation program: a quality improvement project at a private hospital in Hong Kong

2.     Echeverri, Alejandra || McGlenn, Stephen || Mill, Sian || Wong, Janson. Ecosystem services in the proposed national park reserve for the South Okanagan: Lower Similkameen region

The UBC Library invites Graduate Students of all disciplines at UBC Vancouver to submit their non-thesis work to the cIRcle Collection. All submissions are considered for the GSS cIRcle award, a lottery-based award with two winners each in April and October.
Depositing work is a great way to create a professional, permanent record of the work, as well as a great way to share and disseminate your research with the international community of scholars, and begin developing and enhancing your academic profile.
For more information on the GSS cIRcle Open Scholars Award and how to submit your non-thesis work to the collection, please visit: UBC Library

GSS Events & Programming




Masquerade Party

Fri. May 5, 2017, 7-11pm, GSS Ballroom
A night of mystery, dancing, and casual fun. Come experience a masquerade party where UBC graduate students are unaware of whom they are dancing with until the unveiling at the end of the night  info & tickets

Summer Sports League

With the summer just around the corner, your GSS is once again hosting the annual Summer Sports League with the following sports:

  • Soccer – Recreational
  • Soccer – Competitive
  • Softball

To register and for more information, please visit  GSS Events Calendar

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