Thesis Defense – FOOD Science – PhD – Catherine Wong


UBC – Faculty of Land and Food Systems Announces The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
(Food Science)

Catherine Wong

Probing the Interaction between Bacteriophages and of Salmonella Enterica

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 – 2:30 PM



Chair: Dr. J. Buxton

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. S. Wang – Supervisor
Dr. K. Fong – Committee member
Dr. V. Measday – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. S. Wang – Supervisor
Dr. V. Measday – Committee member
Dr. Y. Zhang – University Examiner
Dr. B. Stefanska – University Examiner
Dr. C. Narvaez – External Examiner

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