Fellowships for scientific cooperation between France and Canada


If you want to develop more collaborations with France in 2024, let me remind you that the French Embassy in Canada has currently two calls for applications, open until Feb. 4th 2024 (details below). Do not hesitate to apply and/or contact me if you have any questions. Feel free to transfer this email to your collaborators that may be interested.

Best regards,



–  High Level Scientific Fellowship, for PhD candidates and post-docs (Canada -> France) :

This program offers scholarships to PhD students or post-docs working in a Canadian university for a 2-month research mobility to France. The aim of this programme is to facilitate and strengthen collaboration with academic researchers, working in priority in following fields : Emerging Technologies (AI, quantum, etc.), Health (One health, public health policy, genomics, etc.), Ocean and polar sciences (oceanography, biodiversity, marine ecology, etc.), Energy (renewable energy, net zero transition, sustainability, etc.) : https://francecanadaculture.org/high-level-scientific-fellowship/


–  Mourou/Strickland program, for researchers (Canada -> France and France -> Canada) :

The Mourou/strickland program is a mobility program, which provides seed grants to encourage new bilateral cooperation, in all disciplines.





Dr. Géraldine DANTELLE

Attachée de Coopération Scientifique et Universitaire

Science and Higher Education attachée


Consulate General of France in Vancouver

1130 West Pender Street (Suite 1100) – Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4

Tel: +1 604 637 5292

www.francecanadaculture.org / www.consulfrance-vancouver.org

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