Upcoming Events (April 16 and 18) from the Climate Solutions Research Collective

Project Pitch Event April 16, 2024, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm | Michael Smith Labs and on Zoom
This past spring, the Collective solicited ideas from the research community for projects that could be completed by the next round of Solutions Scholars.  After a successful call, eight projects have advanced to a pitch session which will be open to the UBC community.

Similar to an “accelerator” style event, teams of applicants pitch their projects to a panel of judges and others from the climate research community at UBC. Each applicant team will have five minutes to present their project, followed by five to seven minutes of questions. Questions from the audience will be collected through Slido and may be used by the panel during the pitch session.  This isn’t Shark Tank: the objective is to help each team realize their goals, regardless of whether their project is selected for the program.

This event is open to everyone interested in climate research at UBC.  We invite the UBC community to come together in the spirit of collaboration and the goal of advancing climate solutions through research.

Register here: https://climatesolutions.ubc.ca/news-and-events/events/solutions-scholars-project-pitch-event
Solutions Scholar Summit April 18, 2024, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm  |  St. John’s College UBCV

From adaptation and mitigation to education, the 2023/24 Solutions Scholars have been exploring climate solutions related to urban environments, extreme heat, and fires.

Come hear their research updates and join table discussions to advance the dialogue.

In the first hour, this year’s cohort will share updates of their projects; in the second hour, each scholar will host a table to facilitate smaller group discussion around the topic of their research.  This is an opportunity to learn from one another, as well as provide feedback to the scholars who will be completing their projects over the following four months.

Refreshments Provided.

Register here: https://climatesolutions.ubc.ca/news-and-events/events/climate-solutions-scholars-summit

The Climate Solutions Research Collective Team
UBC Climate Solutions Research Collective

The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
Room 431 AERL | 2202 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada

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