Graduate Student Opportunity


We are looking for a graduate student who is excited and motivated to help us plan and promote IBioS community events and activities for graduate students outside of IBioS. The job will entail approximately 5 hours per week of commitment for the summer, and continuing into the winter terms, and will be paid at the level of a starting teaching assistantship. Attached is a flyer with the full details of the position. We would greatly appreciate it if you could circulate this flyer to the graduate students in Land and Food Systems!

The application is open to all UBC graduate students in good standing (Master’s or Ph.D.) researching biodiversity conservation, restoration, or management from any disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective (social or natural science, business, journalism, etc.).

The applicant will start working in June 2024 and continue into Winter Terms 1 and 2. Please talk to your supervisor before applying!

To apply, please send your application (CV and cover letter) to Dr. Conny Scheffler ( by Sunday, June 2nd, addressing the following questions:

1) why are you interested, and how does it align with your professional goals,

2) about your research and its alignment with IBioS, and

3) what relevant experience and connections on campus do you bring to the position?


All applications will be screened for eligibility.





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