Lunch with Plant Science candidate 3


Dear LFS graduate students,

The Applied Biology Program will be interviewing the 3rd candidate for the Assistant Professor in Plant Science position (see Ad) in July. We would like to invite all graduate students to lunch with the candidate, Dr. Mark Paul Selda Rivarez, on Thursday, July 11, 12:00pm to 1:00pm, McM 350.

Please RSVP to Harini Aiyer ( and include any dietary restrictions by 12pm on Monday, June 8.

We’d also welcome your feedback following the lunch, using the Feedback Form:


You are also invited to attend his research and teaching seminars, as below.

Dr. Mark Paul Selda Rivarez (July 10-11)

Research Seminar

July 10, 10:00am, MacMillan 158

Registration Link: TBC


Teaching Seminar

July 11, 11:00am, MacMillan 158

Registration Link: TBC


Thank you and best regards,




Melanie Train

Human Resources Manager (Faculty) | Faculty of Land and Food Systems

The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus

248-2357 Main Mall | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

Phone 604-822-3105 | Fax 604-822-6394


Office: M/W/F: Remote: T/Th

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