Graduate Mentor Recruitment for Undergraduate Research


My name is Flora and I am reaching out again on behalf of the AMS-constituted UBC Undergraduate Research Opportunities (URO) club that runs the Research EXperience (REX) program! REX pairs undergraduate students with post-doctoral and graduate students to design a research project.

We kindly ask you to forward this email to the graduate students in your department to encourage them to take part in this great opportunity. We sincerely appreciate your help in supporting undergraduate research at the University of British Columbia.

We are currently looking for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who are interested in committing a minimum of 4 hours each month to act as a mentor. This is a great opportunity for graduate students to gain mentorship, leadership, and management skills.

What is REX?

REX is a six month long program designed to help undergraduate students build essential research skills through a proposed research project (no results required). As a REX mentor you will guide a team of undergraduate students through a mini proposed research project within your field of expertise. URO provides workshops on the basics of research methodology to ease the students’ transition into the program. As a mentor, you will take a supervisory role in the students’ projects, and it is recommended you commit a minimum of 4 hours each month for 6 months (October to March).

At the end of the REX program, the undergraduate students present their finished projects at the Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC), one of BC’s largest undergraduate research conferences. The 2023-2024 REX program saw the participation of over 70 mentors and 240 mentees. This program provides enthusiastic undergraduates with a low-barrier and accessible avenue to engage with research early in their academic careers, a valuable opportunity that many may otherwise not be able to experience.

If this opportunity interests you and you would like to become a mentor, please fill out the initial registration form here by 11:59PM on Monday, August 5th 2024! We will be in contact shortly afterwards with the final registration confirmation and mentor biography submission forms. Further information about the REX program can be found in this year’s REX Mentor Brochure.

If you have any questions, comments or other inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us at Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!


Flora Su

Research EXperience Committee Co-Chair

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

University of British Columbia

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