Study Recruitment Posters with Students


Hello School of Land and Food,

My name is Claire Song, and I am currently conducting a PhD research study at the University of British Columbia, exploring cultural variations in depressive symptom expression and the efficacy of screening tools among young East Asian adults and their White Canadian peers (Ethics #: H24-00368). I am reaching out to request your assistance in sharing our recruitment materials with your network.

Our study seeks participants within this demographic, and we are committed to ensuring cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in mental health research. If possible, could you help by sharing our recruitment posters (attached for your convenience, with two versions for ease of choice) with students in relevant programs? Alternatively, sharing through faculty/student newsletters or other communications would be greatly appreciated.

If there is a specific person or department within the organization who would be best suited for this, I would be grateful if you could direct me accordingly. Also I would appreciate it if you could guide me on how to post physical posters on Land and Food building/bulletin boards.

Thank you very much for considering this request. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if I can provide further information.

Warm regards,

Claire Song

Doctoral Candidate, Teaching Assistant
School of Nursing
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2211 Wesbrook Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 2B5 Canada
Phone 077 822 7779

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