Looking for a short-term researcher to work with Wild Bird Trust of BC


We are supporting the Wild Bird Trust of BC in an ecological assessment project and I wanted to share an open position with your network if possible. We are looking for a short-term researcher to work with us and the team at the Wild Bird Trust of BC on research looking at the Implications of First Nations Eco-Tourism Infrastructure in a Wildlife Sanctuary.

I’ve attached the job description. Would it be possible to share through your channels? I believe it can be of interest to students.

Thank you in advance!

Isabela Ortiz

Production Coordinator


Request for short term researcher
Implications of First Nations Eco-Tourism Infrastructure in a Wildlife Sanctuary

Project: Ecological and environmental analysis for the development of new tourism site
assets at Maplewood Flats, adjacent to Tsleil-Waututh Nation reserve lands.

Deliverable: produce a 2000 word research brief with information and observations of key ecological and environmental requirements for:

1. installation of temporary and moveable floating dock for canoes;
2. an outdoor commercial kitchen in the Nature House surroundings,
3. a fire pit storytelling installation for Takaya Tours

The brief should include information and analysis of:

● Analysis of federal Fisheries regulations affecting foreshore infrastructure
● Impacts of tourism infrastructure (ie storytelling fire pit) in a park setting
● High level commentary on Tsleil-Waututh rights to develop unceded lands
● Implementing socio economic methods in resource and environmental research

● Research and observations writing (3-4 weeks), starting as soon as possible
● Written observations to be reviewed by ecologist: Nov 30

Honorarium: $1000
Reporting to Project Manager, Isabela Ortiz (isabela@voor.ca).
The Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats Operated by WBT Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia
2649 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver, BC, V7H 1B1
facebook/Instagram/twitter: @MaplewoodFlats

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