New Graduate Course: SOIL 517 Land and Water Resources Evaluation – 2017W Term 1


The Master of Land and Water Systems program is offering a new course this fall that is open to all graduate students, with instructor permission.

 SOIL-LWS 517 Syllabus 2017W

SOIL/LWS 517.001 Land and Water Resources Evaluation 

This course focuses on a “systems” approach to assessing and evaluating land and water resources. It provides guidance in critical reading, methods and approaches to assessing and interpreting information based on different values and governance systems. The aim is to provide students the opportunity to develop processes and experiences by which they can facilitate their academic disciplinary experience into a more holistic framework. Course syllabus is attached. 

The course is offered by Les Lavkulich and Julie Wilson of the Master of Land and Water Systems program. It will be of interest to your Masters students as well as senior undergraduates with an interest in the land-water-energy nexus.  


Winter Term 1

Mon Wed 9:00 – 10:30 am

MCML Room 358 

Note: MLWS students must enroll in the LWS section. All other students must enroll in the SOIL section. 


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