Graduate Student employment opportunity at CTLT


The Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology is looking for graduate students to join our team of SoTL Specialists. SoTL Specialists are Graduate Research Assistants who work closely with faculty members from all disciplines on teaching and learning research and evaluation projects.

We are especially looking for graduate students who are interested in teaching and learning and who possess knowledge of mixed-method research (survey design and analysis, basic descriptive and inferential statistics, interviews, etc.).

SoTL RA student position Fall 2018.docx

Please see the attachment as well as our website for further information and details.


Please submit your cover letter and CV to Adriana Briseño-Garzón ( by November 10th.


Thank you,



Adriana Briseño-Garzón  PhD
Manager, Learning Evaluation and Research
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
1961 East Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z1 Canada
Phone 604 827 2734

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