GPS Update: Doctoral Scholarships & Awards + Working effectively across difference (with webinar option)+ Late Start International Welcome + More!


New to UBC grad school but missed orientation? Join Late Start International Welcome Sept 5  or check out the resources at


Registration is now open for:

Doctoral Scholarship and Award Opportunities (Repeat) | Sept 9 | 10 am – 12 pm, Register here

Arrive early to enjoy the GSS Pancake Breakfast (RSVP needed) | Sept 9 | 9 – 10 am


Soft Skills for Hard Times: Working effectively across difference in and outside the academy | Sept 12 | In-Person: 9:30 am  – 12 pm |  Webinar: 1:30 – 3 pm (this interactive session by Equity and Inclusion will help students hone inclusive communication skills)


Check out for other opportunities including: 


Career Building

Employers on Campus: Sept 9: PwC Canada, Deloitte | Sept 10: Government of Canada Ernst & Young | Sept 11: Imperial Oil | Sept 12: IBM, Suncor Energy Inc.

Free LinkedIn Photos (Reserve Your Spot) | Sept 10

Paid Internship with UBC Sustainability Initiative (Apply by Sept 22)


Academic Success

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship: Writing the Program of Study | Sept 6


Workshops and Events

Developing Your Skills as a Peer Reviewer of Teaching: Introductory Workshop | Sept 11

Liu Institute Network for Africa (LINA), October symposium | Abstract deadline extended to Sept 20

Research to Action: Advancing Urban Sustainability  (free half day conference) | Sep 26



Climate Change Think Tank is looking for new members


Thank you,



Jacqui Brinkman, MSc
Director, Graduate Student Professional Development
Office of the Dean | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueum Traditional Territory
170 – 6371 Crescent Road | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 827 4578 | Fax 604 822 5802 | @ubcgradschool

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