HR Macmillan & Food and Nutrition Building Access and Safety Measures during Phase 1 Research Resumption


For those of you who have been approved to be accessing H.R. Macmillan or the Food Nutrition and Health buildings through Phase 1 of Research Resumption, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the following important procedural changes and safety references

  1. Anyone returning from outside of Canada should remain in quarantine for 14 days;
  2. Anyone displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 (dry cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell/taste, sore throat, tiredness, fever) should remain at home and isolate for at least 14 days.
  3. Before coming to campus, perform the LFS mandatory Check-in survey (LFS Covid-19 Check in ).
  4. Perimeter doors will be limited and require an authorized UBC Card for access:
    1. MCML: Main entrance (off Main Mall) / Rear loading bay door
    2. FNH: Main entrance (off East Mall)
  5. While you are in the buildings, please note the following:
    1. Physical distancing between personnel (minimum 2 m) will need to be maintained.
    2. Before commencing work, please wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds, and sanitize your work space.
    3. Limit your use of common areas unless absolutely necessary.
  1. For example, send all print jobs before going to the photocopier once a day; For drinking water, bring a big container which only needs to be re-filled once.
    1. All washrooms in the buildings will be single occupancy (unless otherwise posted.) Please be courteous and wait outside.
  1. Please only use the washroom closest to your lab or office.
    1. Lunch room and any appliances such as kettles, microwaves, and refrigerators, will not be available. Please make plans accordingly.
    2. When your work is complete, sanitize your work area, and thoroughly wash your hands prior to leaving.
  1. Before leaving campus, perform the LFS mandatory Check-out survey (LFS Covid-19 Check out).
  2. Familiarize yourself with the following safety guides:
    1. Food Nutrician & Health Building COVID-19 Safety Guide
    2. H.R. MacMillan COVID-19 Safety Guide
  3. Ensure your LFS/UBC mandatory training is up to date in the Training Record Management System (TRMS)

For more details or further information please contact:  LFS Operations LFS-MCM-OPS@LISTS.UBC.CA

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