Free stats help offered through Dept of Statistics


Take advantage of opportunities for free statistical consulting offered by the Statistics Department.  One type is through courses with students mentored by faculty (STAT 551 Term 1, STAT 550 Term 2) – open to faculty, students and staff. The other (SOS-Statistical Opportunity for Students), is via a team of a senior consultant and a Statistics graduate student (year-round) – open to graduate students only.  For more information, please see about how you can get help with your project.

Please do not reply to this email, but use the link above for information.


Max Read
Associate Director, Student Academic Services
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies | Office of the Dean and Vice-Provost
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
170-6371 Crescent Road | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 822 0283 |

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