Stage 2 Resumption Announcement
Our faculty is preparing to enter into Stage 2 of Resumption and the official guiding document will be the LFS Parent Plan (general faculty plan approved August 17th). The target date for the commencement of Stage 2 is September 1st. Please note that during Stage 2, remote work is still highly encouraged but greater office access will be available to aid with furthering research and allowing for academic activities associated with term 1 remote teaching deliveries.
The main guidelines as we move into Stage 2 are:
- All users MUST adhere to the following mandatory rules:
- Anyone submitting a request MUST wait for official approval prior to accessing LFS buildings.
- Anyone accessing LFS buildings MUST complete all MANDATORY training and upload the completion records on our Training Record Management System.
- Anyone accessing LFS building MUST perform the check in and check out surveys.
- Check in (QR code posted at entrances): *To be completed prior to arriving on site:
- Check out (QR code posted at exits):
- Regular office use request should be submitted to before Sept 4th, 2020. The email should detail your office room number, whether you are in a shared office, the reason for regular office access, as well as the specific day(s) you wish to access the office. You should wait for an OFFICIAL APPROVAL NOTICE prior to accessing the building. Anyone sending in a request to regularly access shared office should review the occupancy limit for offices in MCML/FNH.
- One-off office request should be submitted to no later than noon on the preceding Friday in order to allow time for the committee to consider the request. Anyone sending in a request to access shared office should review the occupancy limit for offices in MCML/FNH. You should wait for an OFFICIAL APPROVAL NOTICE prior to accessing the building.
- For research labs, there have been amendments on the occupancy limit of each space, which can be found under Stage 2 Research Space Occupancy Limit at MCML or FNH. If any PIs would like to add personnel to access the research space, please submit a revised safety plan, highlighting changes in work schedule and the information on the new lab member(s) accessing the space. If the lab(s) are shared by multiple PIs, then a coordinated safety plan will be needed to ensure occupancy limit will be respected.
- For teaching space requests (mainly for in person teaching in fall 2020), there are specific guidelines provided by UBC learning spaces as well as a COVID 19 Safety Plan General Teaching Space. For other teaching preparation such as online delivery in specific LFS classrooms and/or teaching labs, a proposed safety plan should be submitted to for approval.
- You may find updates on reoccupancy at LFS at
- If you have any questions/concerns regarding Stage 2 resumption, please send an email to or submit anonymously via