Applied Animal Biology: Diversity & Engagement Survey


My name is Nadia Xenakis and my supervisor Dr. Protopopova and I are hoping to circulate a survey to members of LFS in either the Applied Animal Biology Undergraduate Program, the Applied Animal Biology Graduate Program through the Animal Welfare Program, as well as to staff, faculty and postdocs that are affiliated with these programs.

Please feel welcome to circulate to any relevant departments.

I have attached the recruitment advertisement below as well as a link to the survey.

Survey for Applied Animal Biology Program Members

You are invited to participate in a survey research study conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia. To complete this survey, you must be an adult over 18 years old who is an undergraduate student, graduate student, staff member or faculty member affiliated with the Applied Animal Biology Program demonstrated through attending Applied Animal Biology courses or declared majors.

We are doing this study to learn more about how members of the program perceive inclusion and diversity in the Applied Animal Biology Program and to understand if perceived barriers exist in this regard. No identifying data will be collected and participants will have the option to elaborate on personal experiences and attend a follow up session if they choose to do so.

Please access the survey here:

Ethics ID #H20-02590; PI: Dr. Alexandra Protopopova;; 604-827-2256.

I greatly appreciate your help !


Nadia Xenakis

MSc Student | Animal Welfare Program

The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus

(778) 881-7036 |

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