FNH Graduate seminar series — invite for all LFS grad students


We’re looking forward to two guest presentations on Wed, Oct 14th (4:00pm livestream).


Topic 1: “Cellular Agriculture: An Introduction”

Speakers: Gilonne d’Origny (Center for Progressive Reform) and Tim Geistlinger (Perfect Day Foods)

(see biographies for Gilonne and Tim, attached)

Speaker biographies – Gilonne & Tim

Topic 2: “Innovation UBC & e@UBC information session”
Speakers: Andrea Lloyd, Sahan Ranamukha

We are fortunate to have all of these guest presentations for our combined FOOD and HUNU meeting — please allow for the seminar to go a bit longer (e.g., 4-5:30 pm).


Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 635 7176 7672
Passcode: 754652


Dr. Derek R. Dee  PhD
Assistant Professor
Land and Food Systems | Food Science Group
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
Office 240 2205 East Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
| Phone 604 822 4489
derek.dee @ubc.ca


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