I would like to introduce Andre Nie who will be administering tuition deferrals going forward. If you have any questions about deadlines or processing times please email Andre directly at andre.nie@ubc.ca
Winter Term 2
The online deferral application will be open from November 1 to December 31st for Graduate students employed as Teaching or Research Assistants. The deferral is intended for students that do not have funds available to pay their tuition fees by the due date and are relying on their stipend to make payment. Students must submit a copy of their EPAF (or if EPAF is not available proof that they are employed from Jan 1 to March 31) along with their application.
The link to the application can be found on the Student Services website under Other Payment Options:
- UBC Vancouver: https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/paying-tuition
- UBC Okanagan: https://students.ok.ubc.ca/courses-money-enrolment/finances/tuition-and-fees/pay-fees-and-accept-awards/
Online application periods are:
- Summer session: March 1 – April 30
- Winter Term 1: July 15 – August 31
- Winter Term 2: November 1 – December 31
Tuition and student fees will be deferred as follows:
- Summer Term 1: due date June 30th
- Winter Term 1: due date Nov 30th
- Winter Term 2: due date March 31th
Stay safe,
Maria and Andre
Maria Mannella
Manager, Student Financial Management | Enrolment Services