GIX Innovation Competition: Advancing global agriculture through data-driven technology


I am writing today to share with you information about an upcoming virtual competition that I believe will interest your students: the GIX Innovation Competition 2021, sponsored by Microsoft FarmBeats, taking place this winter 2021.  I have included a flyer (attached) and information below that you can copy/paste into an email. Also, if you use social media, I have included links to a LinkedIn and Twitter post that you can share on your channels. We would greatly appreciate your help promoting this event with undergraduates from design, technology, computer science, engineering, or agricultural tech or science programs!   

An info session is coming up next week on Monday November 16 at 6:30 p.m (Seattle/Pacific Standard/UTC-8) or Tuesday November 17 at 10:30 a.m. (Beijing/UTC+8), where students will have the opportunity to ask questions and meet with Dr. Ranveer Chandra, Chief Scientist at Microsoft.

Please feel free to forward or share with anyone who might be interested.

Best regards,


Interim Deputy Director

Global Innovation Exchange (GIX)

University of Washington |


Global Innovation Exchange (GIX) Innovation Competition 2021: Advancing global agriculture through data-driven technology


Sponsored by Microsoft FarmBeats, the GIX Innovation Competition 2021 invites submissions for teams to create an original, technologically inventive project in areas such as the internet of things, intelligent hardware, low-cost sensors, drones, robotics, computer vision and machine learning algorithms, and cloud computing to help address farming challenges. Prize pool of $7000 USD and growing!


  • Who can participate:A team of 2-5 undergraduate students studying (but not limited to) design, technology, CS, or interdisciplinary studies and graduates within the last year located anywhere across the world.
  • Registration deadline: February 15, 2021
  • Information Session:Interested students and recent graduates are invited to attend the virtual info session featuring Dr. Ranveer Chandra, Chief Scientist at Microsoft. The info session will be hosted by Dr. John Raiti, Assistant Teaching Professor at the University of Washington.  The event starts at Monday November 16 at 6:30 p.m (Seattle/Pacific Standard/UTC-8) or Tuesday November 17 at 10:30 a.m. (Beijing/UTC+8). Sign up now.

Visit the website to review the challenge, sign up for the info session, and register to compete:

Innovation Competition Flyer

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